Chapter 152 | June 19th | The One That Doesn't Remember 🍆 👰🏼

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Timeline - June 19th | 2 Days To The Wedding.

Jesse woke up sprawled across the foot of a king-sized bed, the twisted sheet clinging to her body like a hungry boa constrictor, determined to swallow her whole. The soft rays of morning light filtered through the partially closed blinds, casting a warm glow on the room.

She moaned and rolled over, her head pounding, only to discover she wasn't alone.

"Ek's, scoot over," she complained, "you're taking up the whole bed."

The groan from her bedmate indicated that either Eko's voice had deepened an octave and a half overnight. She's either contracted a really nasty cold or whoever Jesse shared her bed with was most likely a male of unspecified origin.

Alarmed, Jesse propped herself up, and her eyes fell upon the tiara tangled in raven strands of hair. The hair was undoubtedly too short to belong to Mya, and its darkness ruled out the possibility of it being Eko's.

A surge of adrenaline hit her, and she leapt out of bed, her stranger danger alarm in full effect. The room, adorned with remnants of last night's revelry, felt foreign and unfamiliar as her senses went on high alert.

Jesse forgot about the sheet and crashed to the floor face-first, her arms still entangled in the fabric. The aftermath of the fall left her uncertain about what hurt more—her face or her head. She pushed herself to her knees, struggling to extricate herself from the twisted bedding.

Finally, she slowly stood up, only to detect that something was off.

A subtle feeling of disorientation lingered in the air.

Something was definitely not right.

Where the heck was her green dress? And why was she now wearing pants? Where was her bra!?

Jesse was positive she wasn't wearing pants yesterday; she was pretty sure she hadn't packed a single pair for the trip. She wasn't even sure if she owned a pair of pants like these, not this coeurl print skinny pants.

Despite being pretty awesome, the pants were too big in the waist and fit like boy pants, raising more questions. Why did she feel like she lost a bet? The memory was vague but present.

Seriously, where was her bra? Her eyes scanned the room, finding traces of men's clothing strewn on the floor. Turning her attention back to the man in her bed, his face buried in the pillows, still hidden from view, he was snoring, a familiar sound she couldn't quite place.

Running her hands through her hair, the emerald caught her eye on her hand, and she quickly held it in front of her.

Why in these forsaken worlds was there a ring on her wedding finger, with a golden band next to it?

"What the heck?" she exclaimed aloud, her voice echoing the confusion and disbelief swirling within her.

That's when the guy in the bed groaned and turned around. Jesse hesitated, too afraid to kneel to the height of the bed to see his face. As she mustered up her courage, her phone vibrated. Desperately, she scrambled around the room and found it under some more random clothes.

Glancing at the caller ID, her anger heightened. "What!" she hissed into the phone in a low-key voice.

"Jesse? Where are you?" Eko's voice was way too chirpy for her liking.

"How would I know right now?" Jesse's voice remained hushed as she scanned the room once more. Her gaze then shot up to the bed, where the man shifted and rolled over, his dark locks covering his face, still obscured by the pillow. Memories flooded back, and she now recognized the tiara—it was the one Eko had on yesterday.

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