Chapter 49 | Terms And Conditions ❤️

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Eko's fingers eagerly traced the lines and curves of his briefs, her desire for him an intense, unquenchable fire that had been smoldering for far too long. It had driven her to the brink of insanity, and now she was determined to satisfy the roaring beast within. The gratifying sound of his gasp filled the air as her fingers made contact with him, and she couldn't help but revel in the gratifying sound. She was finally on the verge of attaining what she wanted.

Leaning in, locking lips with Matthew she felt him gently move his hands through her tousled hair. He held her firmly, causing her to tilt her head slightly, revealing her neck to him, and the softest moan escaped her lips.

He had thought her laugh was his favorite thing about her, that was until he made her moan, and once he heard it, his restraints for the woman were lost. Matthew buried his tongue down deep into her mouth, savoring the way her own danced with his. As his grip on her skin tightened, he felt another passionate moan escape her, and it reverberated through him, from the back of his throat down into his lungs, as if she breathed fire into his body.

For Eko, her senses were invaded by the man whose mouth drew upon her jaw, over her chin, then back to the corner of her mouth. She submitted to the feeling of being utterly consumed with his want of her. Delirious, she barely acknowledged that his fingers were now at the hem of her shirt; she could feel the tug of it as it rose. She raised her arms, allowing him to pull the top over her head, discarding it as he drew back to her.

His right hand cupped the vibrant candy bra she still was wearing, grinning at the thought before bringing his other hand to her breast. He gripped at the delicate edible bra before suddenly ripping it from her body, allowing the attire to explode, the colorful candy bouncing to the floor, pooling around them.

The sound of Eko's giggles filled the room, echoing off the walls, her exposed breasts were now literally in his hands. She watched in delight as he lowered his neck, leaning in to kiss her throat as his thumb rolled over the end of her nipple, elongating it.

Her body betrayed her when she let another groan escape.

"You think you're so smart, teasing me like you have been," he whispered, his grip firm as he held her other breast. Lowering his head further down her chest, she didn't expect the sensation when he began sucking at her nipple. Then suddenly, he took her breast in, and the tingling sensation forced the woman he snaked his arm around to moan louder than before.

Matthew's senses heightened with delight as her body began to tremble slightly.

"I'm, I'm...I'm," she repeated deliriously against the onslaught to her senses.

"What did you expect, not to have this happen? Not to be punished?"

Her nipples bore the brunt of his slow sensual assault, as his fingers and lips set every atom in her body alight, igniting every nerve-ending as he skillfully undid her from her restraints. Eko could hear him softly murmuring against her skin, his lips gradually tracing a path upward, along her sternum, across her erratic breathing chest, before reaching her throat. Finally, their lips met, and he pulled her in with a firm grip, their chests colliding with a powerful force.

Her hands responded with a desperate urgency, clutching his hair in a wild frenzy, forcefully pulling his head backward. In that moment, she held a fragile semblance of control, barely managing to comprehend the overwhelming sensations coursing through her body. She couldn't afford to relinquish her restraint so swiftly, not when everything was unraveling at such an alarming pace.

Eko's senses tingled as those nimble fingers gently cradled her head, delicately unraveling the knot that held her bun in place. With each strand of brunette hair cascading down her shoulders, their tongues coaxing one another; she knew the next moaned would entice him.

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