Chapter 135 | To Their Knees

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Madison struggled to make sense of the muffled voices surrounding her, with faint whispers of her name weaving through the cacophony. Amid the torment, she thought she heard Sera's frantic cries, calling out for her, lost in the relentless agony.

"JUST LET HER GO!" Eko's voice cut through the turmoil, echoing her demand.

"She possesses the crystal; you can feel its pulsation, it's here!" Isis's voice rang out with malicious triumph. "We've finally found it."

Eko fought back her rising panic as she watched Isis and Xero's malevolent smirks fixate on Madison. As Xero's hold intensified, driven by a dark intent, Eko's gaze shifted frantically to Matthew.

"Matthew!" she called out, pleading for him to intervene. "Please!"

As Matthew set Eko down, he wasted no time in turning her to face him. His hands, strong and steady, gripped her shoulders, ensuring she was focused on him. Eko, still reeling from the chaos, found herself looking into Matthew's eyes, which burned with fierce determination. At that moment, a flicker of hope ignited within her as she realized he had devised a plan amidst the madness.

Without a word of warning, Matthew's hands shifted, pushing Eko's drenched and shivering body toward Toni, who was standing ready nearby. The sudden movement caught her off guard, but Toni's reflexes were quick, and he caught her securely, preventing her from falling.

Toni immediately understood that Matthew had a strategy in mind the moment Eko was thrust towards him. His mind aligned with Matthew's, and with a firm grip on Eko's wrist, Toni made sure she stayed by his side, halting any attempt she might make to break free and rush back into the fray.

Matthew, feeling the weight of the escalating danger, knew that they were teetering on the edge of a full-blown catastrophe. He could see the tension crackling between his warriors and the adversaries like a live wire, ready to spark at any moment. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, he strode forward on the treacherous, waterlogged ground. He positioned himself deliberately, acting as a human shield between his friends and the looming threat. Raising his hands, palms outwards in a universal sign of peace, he tried to soothe the electric atmosphere, his heart pounding with the hope of averting disaster.

"We just want Madison. Take the crystal," Matthew declared, his voice firm as he addressed Xero before shifting his focus to Isis. "And fuck off."

The group, soaked from the relentless rain, watched warily as Matthew advanced once more, weapons at the ready. The gravity of the situation was not lost on them; they understood that any misstep could have catastrophic repercussions.

Eko's mounting frustration and fear reached a climax as she strained against Toni's grip. "Let me go," she repeated, her voice rising in desperation. The urgency in her tone reflected her growing panic and determination to act. "Let me go, right now!"

Toni held her firmly, even as she relentlessly tried to break free. Eko's gaze was fixed on Matthew as he cautiously made his way toward the heart of the conflict. She observed his every move her mind racing with thoughts of what could happen if she didn't intervene.

Toni, feeling the tension in Eko's muscles as she fought against his grip, tried to calm her. "Stop it," he whispered, his voice strained with the effort of holding her back. Rain poured over his face, mingling with the sweat and concern etched on his features. "Eko, stop!"  he yelled at her now, aware that any impulsive action on her part could exacerbate the situation and put them all at greater risk.

However, Madison's anguished screams diverted Eko's attention from Toni. Another searing jolt of electricity caused dark spots to appear before her eyes, and Madison seemed to be suffocating under the unbearable intensity. Her head began to spin, and a numbness started to spread through her body.

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