Chapter 12 | 3 Days Later | A New Reality

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(Timeline - 3 Days Later)

It was mind-splinting the pain that rushed to the forefront of her senses. Slowly Sera became more aware of her world, never having felt this drained before, she swore a freight train had hit her. Even after an intense training session, with minimal sleep and no coffee, she hadn't felt as exhausted as she had now.

If she had not felt the shiver that had run down her spine, she wouldn't have instinctively grabbed at the blankets, wrapping them around her body, which alerted her back to her world.

She exhaled in annoyance, shivering to the point that she now couldn't sleep. As soon as she willed her body to get up from her bed, she would have a stern talk with her servants. Mainly around the reason why her sheets felt paper thin and why the hell did they turn down the heat.

Sera turned her body under the covers of the blankets when the lightbulb moment struck her, and sky-blue eyes sprung open to reveal a room that was not her bedroom. Nor was it the palace by any standard; it was a medical room. A sterile, white, laced medical anaesthesia room.

The reality of her world filtered back to her senses.

Snapping upwards, she quickly assessed the situation before her; her body was heavy and sore. Her breathing had felt different than expected, forcing her to stare down at the nasal cannula and the medical gown adorning her body.

Looking around the white room, her clothes which were indeed in tatters, were nowhere to be seen. It forced her to return to her gown, and she stared down at her hands that somebody had washed and assessed her situation further.

Curious, she pulled the gown forward from her neck, looking straight down her bony chest to see pulse markers across her body. While she had no longer been hooked up to anything, the markers, along with her purple frilled bra, remained.

Sera breathed a sigh of ease, inclining into the pillows; she could also see her mismatched white underwear. Thankfully she confirmed that whoever undressed her hadn't stripped her bare.

She noticed the cords attached when she moved her left hand and allowed the gown to rest into place. Small drips hooked up; she leaned forward curiously to get a better inspection.

"IV fluids," she muttered to the clear solution bag halfway through its course.

"Yellow?" scrunching her nose at the next bag, she reached forward, poking at it, before grasping the bag to turn the contents so she could read it.

"Intravenous relief," eyes lulled over the medical mumbo jumbo before finding some wording she recognised, "thiamine, folate, magnesium sulphate, and multivitamins in a saline solution."

"Righty-o," shaking her head, she gazed around the room to find where the tablet would be with her medical chart on it. She noticed the dual screens attached to the wall, currently holding the information she was in search of.

"Vital signs -normal," she squinted. It was ridiculous how tiny the writing was.

"No internal damage. No broken bones. Scarring. That'll be a first. Deep lacerations are now healed. Concussion. Go figure."

"You're awake finally," a voice disrupted her from reading her vital information. A doctor older in her appearance, bustier in a white coat, stood at the entranceway of the small room.

Sera first analysed the figure; the nurse's slick jet-black hair had been pinned to perfection. Her mannerisms were rigid, grasping a tablet to her bustier chest; the look on her pokey face told her that those hazel eyes were ready to scold her.

"Finally." Sera was now aware that she had no clue where she was, but having darted down to her hand, she was relieved that her bracelet was still attached.

Immediately it told her that her brunette hair was still prominent, which meant that no one could have known that she was the Princess.

"You have been unconscious for seventy-two hours."

"Three days?"

She nodded, "you are currently in the medical ward on Isadora's Academy base."

"Right, and where is Skarsgard? The Commander of this base," her next question had thrown the doctor off.

"Currently in a meeting, he had asked to be advised when you awoke."

"I am awake, so I want to see him immediately."

The doctor pursed her dull, dried lips tightly at how she had been spoken to but complied nonetheless with a nod.

"I will let him know that you are alert and responding."

"Good," she nodded, "good."

Sera patted the sheets before her, tidying them from their scrunched state. Her mind raced through the options she had in this unfolding situation before her.

The nurse exited the room, allowing the swoosh of the doors to close behind her, leaving Sera to her thoughts.

The bedridden woman knew she could trust the Commander of the Academy and knew she was safe here. Though she had a million questions for him, finding out exactly where they were up to regarding retaliation was her first priority.

Ezra and her forces had wiped out the entire civilisation on the moon, and she, for one, wasn't going to sit idly by as the wicked witch continued to breathe in this world.

--- ---

Sera has found herself in quite a predicament, Someone bring vodka STAT!

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Sera has found herself in quite a predicament, Someone bring vodka STAT!



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