Chapter 113 | November 3rd | Hands Of The Devil

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Timeline  -  November 3rd | Next Day

The scalding hot water from the shower was nearly unbearable, but it was precisely what Eko needed after the chaotic past twenty-four hours that Madison's reckless decisions had wrought.

Navigating an unknown planet in search of any clues about their location had been grueling. Eko had tirelessly scoured the area, searching for any form of communication to reach Isadora, after finding a temporary safe place to leave Madison.

This planet, illuminated by its three moons, was situated beyond the sixth district and served primarily as a hub for trade. It lacked stringent regulations, and the locals had readily accepted the currency Madison had with her. Despite being the only humans around, their plight seemed to go unnoticed by the other inhabitants, intensifying Eko's feelings of isolation and urgency.

Now, as the relentless spray of the shower poured down, Eko allowed the scalding water to wash over her, providing a brief reprieve from her exhaustion. The intense heat was almost too much, but she welcomed it, using the time to reflect and regather her strength. Her body ached from the lack of sleep since the previous morning, leaving her both physically and emotionally drained.

Her night had been tumultuous, and even though Ace was districts away, she could feel the surge of his powers, a clear sign of his unrest. In a desperate attempt, she had even tried to harness her own abilities, hoping that somehow, he would sense them—an emergency beacon of sorts. What was the point of having a frenemy if he couldn't come to her rescue once in a blue moon? Yet, the thought of Ace being her savior sent a shiver down her spine; the person she truly longed for, the one she desperately needed by her side, was Matthew.

Her mind continually circled back to him, Matthew occupying her thoughts incessantly. How would she rectify this situation? How could she possibly make her way back to him? The weight of her circumstances pressed down on her, a heavy, ever-growing burden that threatened to overwhelm her.

Eko remained in the shower, letting the scalding water envelop her in a cocoon of warmth, hoping it would melt away the pervasive sense of powerlessness that clung to her. However, her fleeting sanctuary was abruptly disrupted when Madison burst into the bathroom, her voice piercing the steady hum of the shower. "Sera, we need to go," she declared, shattering the fragile bubble of solitude Eko had momentarily sought.

From behind the steamy veil of frosted glass, Eko let out a low groan of frustration.

"I spoke with the front desk and overheard some talk of cargo ships leaving in a few hours. The details were sketchy, but it sounds like our best shot. We should head out soon," Madison pressed on, unaware or indifferent to Eko's growing despair.

Eko sighed deeply as the water continued its relentless descent, the sound filling the confined bathroom.

"I didn't abandoned you," Eko whispered softly to herself, her words barely audible over the sound of the shower. "Please understand, Matthew, I wouldn't have done that." She continued to stare at the broken tiles in the room that shared together with the meter by meter bathroom.

"Sera?" Madison's voice cut through again, insistent.

"Whatever," Eko mumbled, her voice muffled by the cascade of water.

"Stop acting like a child. This decision was made for your own good, to protect us. In a few hours, we'll be on our way to Mein, and everything will be fine," Madison stated firmly, as if trying to convince herself as much as Eko.

Eko didn't respond this time, her silence heavy in the steam-filled room. She continued to stare blankly at the wall, letting the water wash over her, a silent prayer forming in her mind—hoping against hope that somehow, someway, Matthew would find her.

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