Chapter Sixty Two: The Recipe Book

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King Dargan's POV
I have been almost everywhere in this palace except for the Servants Quarters. It's not expected that a monarch comes down here, more so, the king.

They are all standing still, facing my way with their heads bent. Nesrin is beside me. My mother sat this one out. She said she has other obligations that need her attention.

The staff, the royal servants are the ones that keep this pale functioning. Without them, this place will fall part.

"Good evening." I greeted them.

"Good evening Your Majesty." They responded.

"I know it has been a difficult time for all of you. Nortlock is a beloved member of this household. We look up to him for almost everything. I know my mornings haven't been the same since he took ill. All of you must feel a similar pain, for some of you," I looked at Erin. "Probably more. But I require something from all of you. I'm asking that we show the strength and determination we always have."

"Yes Your Majesty." They answered.

"Carry on." They resumed their duties. I approaches Erin. "How are you?"

"Much better. He is starting to come around. He is already giving us orders. We had to hide his suits to keep him from resuming work."

No one else has succumbed to the illness. The health department stepped up their game. They don't wish to be branded incompetent.

"We are happy to hear that." I answered. Nesrin is awfully quiet. She has been strange for the last couple of days. But when are we ever ourselves in public? We pretend and only take off the masks when we are back. Through all our public engagements she has carried herself well and had been clingy too. She doesn't let me go unless there's no option.

She took us to him. He's quietly reading. Nortlock doesn't believe in an idle mind. He was fond of repeating it to me when I was a boy. He said that an idle mind is the devil's workshop. He had a book in hand whenever he said that line. He got me to read more than my tutors ever would. He is just not my friend. He is almost like a father to me.

"Trying not keep an idle mind." I noted. He tried to get up. "Be still my friend."I pulled out a chair for Nesrin. "My dear, sit."

"Thank you Your Majesty." She sat down.

"What are you reading?"

"The only kinds of book my dear wife owns. Romance books." He chuckled. "Rot to the brain!"

"Don't you believe in love?" Nesrin asked him.

"I certainly do. That is why I married the dreamer." He gestured to Erin. "How are you, Your Majesties? I have been reading the paper and you two couldn't look more charming together!"


I moved my hand from my wife's shoulder, tucking it into my pocket.

"I hope to see you resume your duties soon."

"Thank you Your Majesty. Thank you for visiting."

"It's what any friend would do. Excuse me."

I left them to go back upstairs. My hand is still burning from the heat of Nesrin's skin. I am in love that stubborn woman. But I am equally terrified of what it will feel like when she hurts me.

"Has the stomach reaper passed?" I looked up above at the landing. She is staring down at me with a crooked smile on her face.

"Substantially. What do you know about?"

"Why don't you come up and chat with me?" She went on her way.

She doesn't move fast and I caught up easily. I looped my arm with hers. "I need to talk to you."

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