Chapter Forty One: Risky Affair

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King Dargan's POV
If I was to rank the greatest risk takers in this bloodline, I would rank King Adryan first. Before he conquered the Chrystal Isles, he used to vacation there. No one really understood why he would purposely leave the warmth of Cray Thera to freeze in the Chrystal Isles on his so called vacations. But he wasn't swimming with penguins or petting polar bears. He was scouting the island. He was meeting people. He was checking out the biggest reward for the biggest risk.

Taking the risk of engaging the Chrystal Isles in war, he ripped a great reward. He conquered the Chrystal Isles and took over multiple oil wells that play a big part in Kaelan wealth. King Adryan was a risk taker. He never played it safe. He believed playing it safe is for cowards and he wasn't a coward.

I want to take a risk. I can't compare it to the magnitude of the risks he took but it's a risk nonetheless. I promised Nesrin that I'll let Cree live. I promised her that I will let him go.

It would be reasonable and easier to set him free, probably banish him from Chea Niva and the Chrystal Isles to make sure he stays away from Nesrin. But will that guarantee me something I want from her? Her heart? Her loyalty? No. King Relian had his heart and his loyalties elsewhere. The result, he abdicated the throne. He chose his emotions over duty and goes down in Kaelan history as a fickle hearted king.

It is possible to physically have Nesrin and not to have her heart and her loyalty. It is possibile if I let Cree live. I cannot execute him. I rarely go back on my word. The risk I have decided to take is to allow Nesrin an opportunity to make a decision.

Cree is in Paris with us. We didn't travel together, but he's here. In q few minutes, I'll allow Nesrin to decide who she wants. Is it me? Is it him? It's a risk. I can lose her. But if she chooses me, it will be out of loyalty and I consider that a victory.

The car has been parked on the side of the road for a while. I can see her curiosity in her dark eyes. She wants to know why we have been parked here for almost an hour. I have been silent in my thoughts and I gather she is also thinking about something.

"I want to talk to you about Shamim."

"What about her?"

"She pushed me. Now I know that is a petty thing to report given the vicious physical encounters I have had with her over the years but it concerns me because she has no respect for my title. It concerns me because she spites me for taking her dream."

"Dreams exist in the mind. They are intangible. How is it that you have taken her dreams? It's silly. Living her dreams, now that is more sensible."

"Stop complicating things. She is obsessed with you. I banned her from Carperia to allow her time to come to her senses. Is that harsh?"

I sighed softly. "I burned down a duchy and left it desolate. I stripped it of it's title and it's glory. I executed countless enemies of the crown and I am in favor of a death penalty for any damn offense. Is that harsh?"

"I would say you are justified."

"I would say you are justified too. If you want her confined in the Chrystal Isles, I'll make it a decree."

She sighed softly. "Are we waiting for something?"

"No. I'm waiting for someone."


Crassus opened the back door if the Rolls Royce. "Your majesty, whenever you're ready." He closed it.

"Nesrin, I am holding true to my promise. I'm letting Cree go."

"Thank you." Her eyes became bright with life. "Thank you!"

"But there's a catch. I'm going to give you an opportunity to make your own decision. I know this marriage was forced on you. Nothing has happened on your own terms and I'm sorry it played out like that. That is why I'm giving you this day to make your own decision."

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