Chapter Fifty Eight: Duty

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Queen Mother Everleigh's POV
The Countess of Dayma, a countship that was in Cray Thera caused a scandal when she remarried a mere five days after her husband's funeral. Back then, Rehan and I were still newlyweds and we both frowned at her actions. We just couldn't see the sense in remarrying if one's soulmate has slipped away in death. The idea of being with someone else just sounded repulsive. Rehan asked me what I would do if anything ever happened to him and I swore I would never move on.

My personal bodyguard has gone ahead of me. I almost feel embarrassed to be here. An unwed woman... no. A widow at an unwed man's home at this hour. It's the 20th hour of the night. It's not so late but still, what is my reason for coming here tbis late? What am I looking for?

"Your majesty," he bent to peek through the open door. "General Curran is ready is to receive you."

"He is?" I asked.

Deep inside my wish is that he wouldn't be ready to receive Mr or that he wouldn't be home. I'm in the heart of Carperia, the capital itself where the lavishness of the palace extends it's glamorous hand. Generals have an option to live on base or outside it. The crown pays for the housing outside base. It seems he is not living on base.

"Yes your majesty. That is what he said."

"Can I ask you a question? Please answer bluntly."

"I will try my best your majesty."

"What is you opinion of me being here tonight?"

When I married Rehan, Selina told me that as much as an individual may not care about people's opinions, those opinions shape perception. She said people like us can't afford negative opinions. We must always be held in high regard because we are the faces of the crown. I tried telling Dargan that and he said he is not going to pretend and the kingdom can choke on its opinions.

"I can think of two opinions. The first one is that you shouldn't be here. It's scandalous your majesty."

"I could be meeting him on an official capacity."

"At his house, your majesty? At this hour? Isn't he the King's General? What business does the Queen Mother have with the King's General at this hour?"

"The second opinion?"

"You deserve another chance to be loved." He smiled at me. "It's obvious that General Curran cares for you."

"You have made valid points. Please let the General know I have changed my mind. Pass my apologies to him as well."

"Yes your majesty. Excuse me." He closed the door.

I only have one other car escorting me. I didn't want too much attention or any for that matte hence the cover of dark. There's just so much happening. I can't help but wonder if perhaps it wouldn't have been such a bad thing if Shamim's baby was really Dargan's. My mind goes back to Deleria. It wouldn't have been so bad if that baby was Dargan's. Back then I was confident that with all certainty the crown was not desperate for heirs. Now I wonder how wrong I was. We are desperate. Nesrin and Dargan are more separate than ever. The seem like two strangers who have nothing in common. How will an heir result if both of them are like this?

"You change your mind?" He surprised me when he entered the car and settled beside me. He smells like soap. Just dopa, nothing special. His blond hair is wet. Was he taking a bath?

"General Curran!" I smiled at him.

"What have you changed your mind about? Is it the colour of your hair? Do you wish you were a brunette? Because that would be boring."

I burst out laughing. I covered my mouth, trying to still myself but I cannot. He makes me feel like a little girl deep inside and I'm not sure why but I'm not resistant to it. "I'm afraid... it's not my hair colour. I love being blonde. Rehan used to say blondes are fun."

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