Chapter Fifty Three: Still Hearts

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Queen Nesrin's POV
I haven't related much to Crassus. He's mostly with Dargan and they to way back. He seems like a serious man. He barely smiles and only acknowledges me formally. I can tell he is frustrated by his assignment to make sure I'm back at the palace. My screams have surely made him deaf.

"Crassus! Let her go! Why are you manhandling her?" Queen Mother shouted from the top of the stairs. "She's pregnant! Let her go this instance!" Crassus released me. She hurried to me and held me at arms length. I'm yet to know if her eyes are blue or grey. I just don't know but the way she is looking at me, brought me to the next phase of my rage. The part where I cry painful choking tears. "Dear. You're a mess. Why aren't you wearing any shoes? Are those cuts and bruises? Where did you get... Paula!"

"The rose bushes. I fell outside the window."

"Did someone push you?"

"Oh no! She fled through the window like the hounds of hell were after her." Selina is finding humour in this. "Just when an old woman thinks life will slow down to a dull pace, I witness the Queen of Chea Niva going out through the window. Funny."

"Well she's not laughing and this is hardly the time Selina. Go with Paula and let them fix you up."

"He got my... Shamim is pregnant. Odell...." I pushed my long wet hair away from my face. I wrung the sleeves of the sweater. The water splattered on the floor making Everleigh move back. "Odell!" I screamed at the top of my voice.

No tears. Rage. Pure rage.

"Nesrin want is going on?" Queen Everleigh held my face.

Dargan came in holding the door open for Shamim. I felt myself simmering to a boil yet again. "You witch!" I ran to her and tackled her down to the floor with my folded fists descending on her face. Dargan pulled me away, trying to restrain me.

"Calm down Nesrin! It's not good for the baby!"

"Why do you care? Don't you have backup?" I pushed him away. It's time we square off.

"What is she talking about?" His mother intervened.

"Your philandering son's promiscuous lifestyle has paid off! Shamim is pregnant!"

She covered her mouth, looking between Dargan and Shamim.

"Dear me! What? Dargan, explain yourself!"

He looked over his shoulder with s frown. "Does this look like fucking play?" His voice thundered and sent everyone scurrying off except for his grandmother, Crassus and his mother. Shamim is still on the floor playing the role of a damsel in distress.


"Did you sleep with her? Is she really pregnant?"


I have to find him.

"Yes I'm pregna-"

"Shut that hole on your face!" Selina reprimanded her. "No one asked to hear your insignificant voice."

"I'm not insignificant! I'm carrying the king's firstborn!" Shamim stubbornly spoke up.

"Shamim, silence." Dargan addressed her calmly. "Nortlock."


"Take her to the guest quarters-"

"Throw her out in the street!" I demanded. "I dint want her here!"

"She's pregnant." He told me.

"So?" I flung my arms in the air. "So what? Should I get my crown so that she can wear it? Will we be having threesomes on your bed? So what?"

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