Chapter Thirteen: The Blood King

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Dargan's POV
When I was a boy, my grandfather used to tell me that bravery is facing the enemy and engaging him in hand to hand battle. His word is taken seriously because King Adryan brought stubborn Chrystal Isles to it's knees when he conquered it. He didn't hide behind his soldiers. He led them against Chrystal Isles best and he won. I believe I come from a bloodline not just of kings but of warriors and the sun will not rise without victory in my hands. The sun will not rise until this duchy bleeds for slaying the king.

"Your majesty, you're hurt." Andy wrapped his fingers around my wrist. "We have won as it is. One more person is getting greedy."

I stopped and peered at one of my oldest friends. "Did you just call me greedy?"

"D, don't. If you go up there, you may not come back and who is supposed to rule this kingdom? Are there any heirs we don't know about?"

I looked up at the rise above the valley. It's a cemetery. Richard escaped and had headed in that direction. I can't let him get away. Down at the valley the fighting is ongoing. After I anticipated that my men will win, I left them to chase after my childhood friend. He escaped like a coward when he realized he's in the losing team. I don't find this behavior strange. Richard has always lived under the shadow of his older brothers. They suppressed him. He is not outrightly confrontational. His passive aggressive nature makes him cunning. He's like a green snake in the grass. You just never see him until he strikes.

I scoffed. "He's getting away."

"Then let him. We will pursue him some other time. Come back to low ground, we will have a nurse tend to you. Richard is just one life. Dint go up there."

"I have to. So stand in my way..." I held my scepter firmly. "...or follow me."

"Just know that if it goes to hell, I drag you out of there. Your life comes above your revenge."

I saluted him mockingly.

I kept moving up. Andy stayed close. I hate being among the dead. It reminds me something innevitable. That something would have befallen me today when a soldier drove his sword through my side. I have survived several near death experiences and they have only served to increase my adrenaline. But I'm still bleeding. I need medical attention.

We reached the rise where the graves are. I gestured Andy to go into the trees. He looked resistant but he has to obey me. Once he left me, I retrieved the knife ticked on my boot.

"Richard you damn coward! Come out!" I shouted. My voice sliced through the cold morning silence.

"You're the coward! You ran away like a little girl!" He shouted back. He's close by.

"You always did like to hide when we played hide and seek. It explains your weak nature you murderous goat!"

I heard his wicked laughter echoing in the chilly air of the morning hours. I'm more awake than ever even if it's 4am in the morning and I haven't slept for 28 hours. I'm wide awake. I'm eager to finish this.

It's cold, very cold and worse still, there's a thick mist that won't allow me to see much. I stayed absolutely quiet listening. I believe my strongest sense is my hearing. I pick up on sounds that most people don't.

A branch broke.

I threw a knife in that direction. I followed to retrieve it from the tree trunk. It has blood. I laughed wickedly. "Oh Richy! My apologies for bruising your pretty face. I promise I'll peel it off slowly!"

"Is your knife sharp enough? Mine certainly was when I separated your old man from his head!"

My blood hit boiling point in an instance. "Come out and face me you blubbering fool!"

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