Chapter Twenty Six: A Man Is Dead...

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Nesrin's POV
It's red.

It's a colour I have never noticed on my bottom. I don't think I have ever been spanked. The first time was playful, when he threw me over his shoulder back at Stone Hold. This... whatever happened yesterday evening was different. The leather was ruthless against my bottom. My stubbornness wanted to keep me from pleading for mercy but my mortal being, the one that is not invincible reminded me that my bottom was red hot and I had to put an end to it.

I pleaded for mercy. I admitted fault. He stopped.

He left without a word, right through the adjoining door. I couldn't sit down. I wasn't served dinner and no one has come in to check on me. I slept on my stomach and even now I can't sit.

I lowered the dress.

There's something heavier to deal with. Cree's death. I covered my mouth to muffle the bitter cries that followed. I cried bitterly and quietly with no sound leaving me lest he hears and comes back.

He killed Cree! That murderous bastard killed Cree!

I quickly composed myself when the lock on the door turned. I dried my eyes with the back of my sleeve, eyes set at the door.


She closed the door gently. Her eyes moved around the room swiftly before she gazed at me. "Nesrin."

I never thought the day would come when I'll run to my mother to be comforted. I ran to her and hugged her tightly, hot tears spilling down my cheeks. She wrapped her arms around me. "Nesrin... Nesrin..." She cupped my face. "Why are you crying? What's wrong?"

"He's dead!"

"Who is? The king?"

"No! Cree!" I wiped my eyes dry. "Didn't they tell you? Wait! Why are you here?"

"Queen Everleigh invited me to be part of the wedding plans. What is going on?"

"What have they told you?" I moved away from her.

She covered her face for a moment. She's really dressed up. The penance I'm paying has out fine jewelry around her neck and wrists. I'm sure she would have worn a tiara if she had one.

"Well... a thorough report has been communicated to me. Why don't we sit down?" She made herself comfortable on one if the chairs next to the fireplace.

"I'll stand."

"You ran away. You ran away with Cree! What were you thinking? We're you thinking? Did you think that this is Stone Hold, that we will simply chase you and forbid you from doing it again?"

"You don't understand what I'm going through!"

"You're in a palace Nesrin! You're in Carperia! You're betrothed to a king! What could you possibly be complaining about?"

"It's a guilded cage!" I screamed. "I don't love that man! I dint want this!" She kept quiet with a more than patient expression on her face. "I kept telling you people that I don't want this and you forced it on me!"

"We didn't force it. I tried to give the royal family alternatives but they wanted you. Who are we to question the crown? We give the crown what they want and they wanted you! So be it!  You have the power to make this situation good for you but you are obsessed with playing the victim! You're not a victim! You're going to be monarchy! Monarchy Nesrin! Why are you not seeing the bigger picture which surpasses your little emotions?"

"A man is dead!"

"And whose fault is that?"

"He drove a knife into his chest!"

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