Chapter Fifty Six: Double Deceit

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Queen Nesrin's POV
"You can stop fluffing the damn pillow." I addressed Farrah in a sharp tone. "It's not like it will bring my baby back."

She looked away from me with tears spilling from her eyes.

"Do you need anything-"

"Yes." I cut off Paula sharply. "Go away. I want everyone to go away."

They scurried out, except for Queen Everleigh. She isn't intimidated by my temper and bitterness. "Nesrin-"

"I swear if you say you understand how I feel I will yank out every strand of blonde hair from your head."

She narrowed her beautiful eyes at me. She helped herself to a seat. "I'm not easily intimidated. I survived Selina's sharp tongue. Yours is nothing." She rolled her eyes. "I have never miscarried so it would be presumptuous to say I understand how you are feeling. I'm not here to make you feel better because only you can make yourself feel better. I'm here to offer any support you need on your road to recovery."

"So that I'm good and ready to be knocked up again?"

"Eventually yes. But we respect that you need time to heal. I'm sure Dargan will respect that too." I ceased any further eye contact with her. "Your mother called. She will be here at any moment. I want to know what you will tell her."

"Excuse me?"

"I want to know what you will tell her about my son." She raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'll tell her whatever will be at the tip of my tongue. It's not news that Dargan can't control himself-"

"That is not true anymore. I strongly believe that you are the only woman he has been with since he paid your dowry. I dint believe anything your sister is saying."

"So she made up the pregnancy that a doctor and an obstetrician confirmed?"

"The pregnancy is real. There is no doubt there. I refuse to believe that Dargan fathered that baby. Until he confirms he did, I don't believe it and he has my full trust."

"He didn't deny it either." I shrugged.

"Trust is crucial in a marriage. If you two can't trust each other-"

"It's not a real marriage. It's an arrangement and you're the last person I want to hear marriage advice from. Didn't you marry for love?"

She sighed softly.

"I won't waste my breath giving you marriage advice. I had a great marriage. Even if he's dead, I don't regret anything I did for him or said to him. It pains me that Dargan will never be loved by his wife. But that's okay because he understands responsibility comes over personal feelings. The whole idea of you two finding middle ground is to make the marriage bearable. But if you don't need it to be bearable so be it."

She got up and straightened her dress. "And Nesrin, it would be stupid to show your parents that you don't trust your husband. Remember that you will forgive Dargan for his transgressions but they will never forgive him nor will they respect him. I guess we will have to wait and see how smart you are."

She left and closed the door behind her.

I wanted to be alone but it bites. I don't want to be alone. When he held me, trying to console me, it felt so good. But I'm just so angry at him I can't help but react this way.

"Nesrin!" My mother bursted into my room, making a run towards me. She got on the bed quickly and wrapped her arms around me. "My dear. I'm so sorry." She cupped my face. She is in tears. "I'm so sorry."

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