Chapter Eighteen: Lost

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The Chrystal Isles
Mrs Vanden's POV
"You're in a good mood! You have been humming all morning." My husband noted.

I raised my mug of coffee to him with a big smile on my face. I have three reasons to be happy. One, Nesrin is no longer my problem. Two, the four trunks of jewels in my bedroom. Three, I woke up this morning and was presented with coffee and a newspaper. Life is good. To think it was only yesterday I was chasing Nesrin down in the snow thinking life will forever be hopeless.

"I don't remember the last time I woke up and had the morning to myself. It's always one thing or another. But this morning, it's peaceful. The king's servants are efficient. They run my household better than I do." I sipped my coffee. "Above everything, our Nesrin issue is solved! Did you see how he handled her? He subdued her! When did we last have Nesrin under control? I can't even remember! Even when she was five years old she was a headache. This is good."

My husband took a seat. "It was quiet last night. How do you think it went?" He tilted his head. "Do you think he..."

"He what? Made Nesrin's fantasies about losing her virtue come true?" I stated bluntly to his embarrassment. "I hope so."

"I'm worried about her. What if she stays a little longer? It will give her a chance to accept the situation. She can stay here with us."

"No! Absolutely not! I want her out of my hair! You have no idea what I out up with when you're away. She taunts me to the last nerve. No. She should go to Carperia and vex the king." I refused. "I have two daughters to marry off. That is where I'm focusing my energy. Besides, the bride price has already been paid. She belongs to him and I doubt he's leaving without her."

My husband sighed deeply. "I have to go to town. I'll hurry back." He kissed the side of my head.

I am also curious to know whether the king got intimate. It was quiet. Too quiet. The girls and I had our ears plastered to the door listening in for most of the night but it was very quiet. I don't think anything happened. Maybe the king was tired from his journey. I can't help but wonder what awaits Nesrin especially when she goes to Carperia. Curiosity drove me upstairs. My daughters already have their ears pressed up on the door.

"Anything?" I whispered.

"No." They whispered back.

I joined them. It's still quiet. Did Nesrin slay the king and escape? I can't put it past her. I mastered enough courage and I knocked gently on the door once before opening it. He rolled off her at once. She's naked.

"Your majesty! I'm sorry! I was just-" He gave me a disapproving look. I got out quickly closing the door behind me. My face is stained in blush. "Well..." I sighed. "Something certainly happened.Come along girls."

I walked away with contentment on my face. I'm rich and I'm related to royalty! It was worth it when I chased Nesrin in the snow. It was worth it!

King Dargan's POV
I don't think I have slept enough. My eye lids are still heavy with sleep, yet it's morning. For the first time in a while I am waking up next to a woman. She's beautiful, sound asleep. Sometime in the night I freed her arms. I didn't want her to wake up all cramped up. She barely felt it. I spent a good amount of time taking in her face just to memorize every bit of it auntie it became possible for me to close my eyes and see her.

Her long eye lashes parted slowly to show her beautiful brown eyes. She gasped for a second and jumped back, nearly falling off the bed but I caught her and gathered her into my arms. Her naked Brody pressed up against me. "It's okay." I assured her. "Good morning."

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