Chapter Fourteen: Run Away Nesrin

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Saine Neane
King Dargan's POV
I declined anaesthesia.

I declined it because the last thing I want to do is fall asleep. I can't afford to. I still have one more task before I earn any ounce if sleep. Nesrin.

With the war over, there's still a lot to do. I didn't want to spend another second in Cray Thera. I left immediately for Saine Neane. I have already planned to leave before 4pm. Nightfall should find me in the Chrystal Isles where I'll lay claim to my bride. I'm eager to meet Nesrin. If possible, I would marry her immediately. But my mother wants a party.

Keon is fast asleep. He has been dozing off every chance he gets. I left the other two in Carperia. In a way, I felt that he had to be there to avenge Melly. It was perfect when he howled at the blood moon just before we attacked.

"He doesn't bite... mostly." I told the nurse who keeps looking at the Wolf nervously. She's beautiful.

The doctor says that it's a clean wound. There's no damage to any internal organs. I'll be fine. But he recommended that I get stitched up. I remember the first time I got stitches. I was playing with Richard. We were pretending to be pirates and we were actually on a ship chasing each other around with wooden swords. I was obviously the one doing the chasing. The prize was a damsel in distress, obviously Deleria. But when I was about to catch Richard, he jumped out of the way and I fell overboard and in the process hit my head on the plank. The ship was docked so the water was shallow but I had passed out. My mother jumped in to save me. My father stood by when it was time to get stitches. He told me to take it like a man. I was about six years old. I was nowhere near being a man but in a way, he helped me grow up. I miss him terribly.

"Your majesty, you should have allowed some anaesthesia to ease the pain." 

Why does tempting beauty follow me? Just now when I have a lot of tension to let go of there is this beautiful woman in front of me speaking in such an alluring tone. My eyes dropped to her generous bossom, down her little waist to the beautiful curve of her hips. She looks like an hour glass. She gives this dull grey uniform an appealing look.

The old me would bed her right now.

But I'm saving myself figuratively so for a certain stranger I'm yet to meet. My eyes moved up to her blue pair. They are intrigued. Is she curious too? Are our minds in sync on this?

I promised my mother that I'll keep it in my pants until Nesrin. I don't want another situation where a woman who is not Nesrin tells me she's pregnant.

"The pain keeps me alive." I told her. I don't wish to be dulled by anaesthesia. It will be an opportunity to be to  deal with my problems and I'm not ready. There will be a time to mourn and wallow over my losses but that day is not today.

She finished up the stitches. She reached for a sponge soaked in water. "Allow me to clean you up."

"I have two hands." I took the sponge from her delicate hands.

I can't believe this is me. I have had ladies in waiting bathe me just for the thrill of pleasure. And yes, I'm sexually curious and not the vanilla kind. I'm not at all conservative nor am I what they term monogamous. Four ladies in waiting... I indulged in all of them. My mother wasn't pleased. She relieved them of their duties that very afternoon. She replaced all female servants with older unappealing women.

When the nurse left I cursed myself for sending her out. I'm badly bruised. I can't even lift my arm. If I'm to be challenged to a fight in this condition, I'll lose.

But I can't show up looking like a war animal. It won't please my bride. I have to look my best. I have to look regal. A sponge won't do it. A thorough bath is in order to wash off the stench of war.

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