Chapter Fifty: The Beating Hearts

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Queen Nesrin's POV
Knowing my husband intimately is a victory like no other. Having him beneath me and vulnerable to my touch is an achievement. Knowing I can make the king beg, groan and whimper in desperation pleases me deeply. Our first time didn't leave room for imagination over what the days that followed have been like. I thought I would never want to be intimate ever again. I'm pleased I gave it a second chance. I don't regret knowing my baby's father like this.

I lost all my strength to carry on when he hit his second climax. He looks worn out. A deep chuckle echoed in his throat. "My ravenous little kitten..." He kissed me tenderly. "You're not slowing down, are you?"

With all honesty, I'm craving only him. I can't help my naughty thoughts even at the worst moment when we are surrounded by people.

"Kidney bean." He sighed as he drew me to the warmth of his naked body. With the rain falling on this chilly morning, it's perfect. I don't want to leave his bed today. Even the wolves are asleep beside the warmth of the fireplace. They are close to each other, enjoying their sleep. "That's what the obstetrician said. Is it progress?"

"From a poppy seed to a kidney bean? Yes." I looked up at him with a confident smile on my face. I have something the king of Chea Niva wants even more than he wants the frown. His dark eyes express a measure of warmth on this dull morning. He dropped his hand under the covers to feel his 8 week old baby.

"I can't wait till I'm able to feel something. It's still flat."

"And it will be for a while." I felt the roughness of his beard with the tips of my fingers. "How will we still so it when I'm bigger? Won't it be uncomfortable?"

"How am I supposed to know?" He chuckled. "I was thinking that I don't want to name him after anyone in my cursed bloodline." He frowned. "I want a new name for him."

I know I should not throw a fit every time someone thinks of my baby as a "he" but I can't help it. "What of it's a girl? Wiko you love her less?"

"Of cause not." He answered. "It's just that, a son would be preferable. But if we don't get a son we will try and try until we do."

It's just like Odell said. Upon thinking about my brother I sat up with the my naked torso exposed. My eyes shifted to the window. It's almost grey out there.

"Daughters are just as important. How else would children be conceived and born?" I glanced at him briefly. "I haven't experienced pregnancy or child birth. If I don't like the experience then I won't do it again regardless of whether you get a son or a daughter."

"Duly noted your majesty." He smiled at me. "But I have the last say. I am the king after all and your husband."

The possessiveness that is expressed in the word husband, leaves me in awe. He likes to remind me that he is my husband.


"Yes wife?" He is wearing his favorite stripped pajama pants. The king has favorites on his wardrobe. He throws a fit when his favorite pajamas are absent. It is little things like this that  peel away the glamour of royalty to expose the ordinary man he can be.

Dargan is not perfect but instead perfectly flawed. The little mannerisms -like how he narrows his eyes when he's quietly dissatisfied or reprimanding someone, how he tilts his head to the left when he's uncertain, how he bursts out laughing in the privacy of his chambers when Nortlock keeps him entertained only to put on a serious face outside those doors, how he sleeps with folded fists, how he laughs in his sleep at things he doesn't even remember- that he displays really make him human and I am only starting to see this.

I can watch this man sleep with a smile on my face because I find it satisfying to just exist in the moment with him beside me.

Oh no!

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