Chapter Eleven: Disagreement

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Cray Thera
Richard's POV
"Was it necessary?"

"Can you be more specific? I don't have time for guessing games." I filled the glass with whiskey. I drank the liquid with a lot of appreciation. I have had a long day. When I paid attention to Deleria, I noticed the frown on her beautiful face. "I'm sorry for being hard on you over what happened that night. But you helped him get away."

"We have known him since we were kids! Did you expect that I'll just watch him die? I had to do something."

"You chose him. That is the issue. You chose him like you always do! Would it kill you to choose me?" I approached her.

She looked away.

She's so beautiful! It offends me that Dargan found his way between us. We both care for her but I'm the one who loves her. He only uses her for sex. She knows it but she keeps going back to him.

"Deleria," I gently reached for her arm. She gazed at ne with a tender look on her face. "Why is it always him?"

"Do you really need me to answer that?"


"I love him." I hate that she does and I hate that she has come clean about it. I guessed so but it feels different to hear it. She pulled her arm free. "That is why I saved his life. That is why I hid Melly. You didn't have to kill Melly!"

"It belonged to him. It's his fault for leaving her behind."

"And the king? Was it necessary for king Rehan to be beheaded? Was it necessary for his body to be dragged around the city? Why so grim Richard? What is your end game here?"

"If I trusted you, I would tell you. But if I tell you, you are going to run to him and tell him."

"You are not answering me. Was it necessary?"

"Yes!" I answered. "It was necessary!"

Once upon a time, a king abdicated the throne to pursue love. His little brother, prince Adryan wasn't interested in the throne either. Whenever a king abdicates,the throne goes to his son. In the absence of an heir, something King Relian didn't have, it goes to the next kin, mostly a male. That was his brother Adryan. But Adryan didn't want the throne either. He was content with a military career. He wanted to pass the throne to the House of Adair. My grandfather was supposed to be the king. On the day of coronation, prince Adryan had a change of heart and he took the throne back.

It is personal for us. They duped us out of an arrangement we had. The Kaelans went back on their word. We are supposed to be the rulers of Chea Niva.

"I don't want to be part of this."

I grabbed her and restrained her from leaving. "You are part of this! Are you not carrying my child? Isn't that what you said?"

"Have you ever known Dargan to let something go? Dargan will come back. He will come back and he will get his revenge! You killed all his relatives! Do you think he will let it go?"

"Let him come back so that we can bury him too."

She pushed me away. "And you wonder why I don't love you. You wonder why I won't choose you. You are a dark hearted man. You are evil!"

"He's just as dark!"

"When provoked! And he has every right to be a dark as he wants to be because you people slaughtered his entire bloodline!" She screamed at me. "I'm leaving Cray Thera. I will not be here when he comes back. Please abandon this path and come with me. Abandon this destructive path."

"What do you think Deleria? That Dargan will forgive me?" I scoffed. "We are past the line of no return. You are right. For the sake of the baby, you should leave. Go to Daa Haan. Go to the beach house. I'll follow soon." She wanted to leave but I stopped her and kissed her tenderly. "I love you Deleria. See you soon."

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