Chapter Forty Six: A Confidant

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Queen Nesrin's POV
"Get up Nesrin. Get up. You have to get up." I told myself. I groaned out as I pulled myself up from the floor where I have been sitting in an uneventful way. I gazed at my reflection for a moment. I look pale.

I pressed my palm on my sore breasts. Dargan has nothing to do with it. Perhaps my period? Which is very late. But why am I waiting for it when from the word go, there had not been any measures to prevent a pregnancy.

Am I pregnant?

Should I feel different?

There's an ugly side to the highs that come from making love. It was one high after another, an intoxication I didn't want to be sober from. But now, I'm very sober. It's starting to hit me. Do I want this?

I'm throwing up. It's so early in the morning.  I turned on all the taps in the bathroom so that no one hears me. I was nauseated at first but that escalated quickly and I found myself bent over a sink. I'm glad that has passed.

I am ashamed to say that I have become used to my ladies i. waiting doing ever for me. Going about mundane morning routines is hard without them. To think I used to do all these things myself. I think I'm spoilt. A quick shower will do. I hurried through it. With hair still dripping wet, I out on a simple dress and when I stepped out, I gasped.

"Where did you come from?" I asked Nortlock.

"I came from the kitchen. I understand you needed my services." He snapped his fingers and the maid's left the room. "Have a seat Your Majesty."

"Thank you."

"May I note that water is dripping from your hair? Do you need assistance with that?" He asked me.

"It's fine." He brought me a towel. I wrapped it around my head.

"Not exactly breakfast table appropriate but no one else is here so I suppose we can ignore it. Some spice tea for you." He filled my cup. "The usual dash of sugar?"

"Oh no. Not feeling that sweet today."

"Is something the matter?"

I pulled my knees to my chest, resting my feet on the soft chair. "I am just feeling out if my element this morning."

"Is it Lenna? She's been noisy. She decided to help herself to the kitchen yesterday. The mess that fur ball made! She made away with a frozen chicken! I wonder if she is satisfied with herself!"

I laughed at how Nortlock rolled his eyes. Lenna didn't sleep in my bed yesterday. Ad much as Dargan and I are married, since we got back, we have only shared a bed once. After that he asked that I sleep in bed unless I need something from him. According to him, that is how it works. The King has his chambers and the Queen has her chambers. I don't mind my own space. I love to sprawl all over the bed, arms spread and legs spread. He is always pushing me to stay on my side. It's better this way because I don't have to kick him because he woke me.

"Your Majesty, your tea is getting cold." Nortlock reminded me. "You look out of it. Is everything well on your end? Is it just lack of rest?"

I looked at the old man with a dull face. He is never enthusiastic. Even when he's happy it's impossible to know. But he is a chatterbox.

"Can you keep a secret?"

"If I couldn't, I wouldn't be working here." He smiled slightly. "Do I need to sit down for this one?"


He took a seat. "Before you spill, do tell me something. Why have you dismissed your ladies in waiting?"

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