Chapter Fifty Seven: Prince Dylan

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Queen Nesrin's POV
They say that time heals all wounds. 

Time in itself is not a tangible concept, so how exactly would it heal anything? If they meant that it lessens the pain as periods of time go by then I agree. It just makes it hurt less but it does not heal wounds entirely. If they insist it does, then it leaves a scar to serve as a reminder.

Every day that I have woken up since Dargan cleared up the confusion my sister caused, I have tried to make myself feel better about a lot of things. I try to keep a positive mind about the loss of the baby but the truth is, it still hurts. My womb feels empty. It is a loss I may never recover from fully. It's been six weeks. I feel better in regard to my health but I'm still emotionally fragile.

Dargan left the next day after the truth about Shamim's lies was revealed. He has been gone for six weeks. He left without saying goodbye. I remember it was two days later, when I was especially motivated to apologize about my reaction to Shamim's lie when I found his chamber empty. It was quite late in the night so naturally, I was worried about him. After asking around, Nortlock informed that he had left the kingdom for Japan on some diplomatic dinner. A dinner lasts one night. He did not come back. Days have turned into weeks and no one seems troubled that the king is missing! Or maybe they all know where he is and I am the only one who is not in the loop!

"Lovely! You're here!" Nortlock met me as soon as I made a turn for the dining room.

"Why are you so excited?"

"Well your majesty, I live for the excitement even if it does not seem so."

"And what is exciting about the morning?"

"You." He answered with a sly smile. "A word of advice... don't resist."

He gestured to the tall open doors leading into the drawing room. This is the room where we receive formal guests.

"Nortlock..." I tore my eyes away from the open door and the two guards standing by. "Where is the king?"


"And please don't lie to me."

"For your ears only." He glanced at my ladies in waiting. I gave them one look and they stepped away from us. "You know how I told you that I am everyone's confidant?"


"He is... grieving." He told me.

"In Japan? For six weeks?" I asked. "Who is running this kingdom if he is not here?"

"He was in Japan for two days. After that he has been here."

I grimaced, but then advanced to an expression in between shock and confusion. "In this palace?"

Nortlock shook his head. "Not here."

"Saune Neane?"





"You're not trying your majesty. You're just spewing out guesses. Let me save you the headache. "He's right here in Carperia probably closer than you think. I'll show you later."

"You show me now." I demanded.

Dargan grieving? Fine, if it was a child he had actually seen then maybe I'll believe it but our kidney bean? The idea of fatherhood excited him but was he really that invested?

"This way." I followed him without my ladies in waiting. We went to the back of the palace, outside the ballroom and after walking through the back garden, we came to a sculpture, still being sculpted by two sculptors who moved aside and bowed when they saw me. It's a woman and she's holding a child. I felt suddenly reminded of my pain.

The General's Daughter & His Majesty Book #1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ