Chapter Forty Two: Change

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Queen Nesrin's POV
"I watched the royal wedding. I couldn't even recognize you. That manipulative murderous psychopath made sure I watched."

It upsets me to hear him insult Dargan. He doesn't understand what Dargan has gone through.

"Why couldn't you recognize me?" I asked.

"You didn't look like my Nesrin. You were overdone." He called the waitress back. "Two more croissants and more coffee. What will you have?"

"Your majesty!" The waitress exclaimed but I pressed my finger on my lips urging her to hush. I can't risk having all that attention on me. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Spice tea. Do you have that here?"

Back in Carperia, I fell in love with something Nortlock calls spice tea. It has cardamom, cloves, ginger and cinnamon. He makes it with plenty of milk. It's delicious!

"No. We don't serve that but for you I'll make it. Can you tell me what is it?"

Nortlock will be furious I am giving away his recipe. "Cardamom, cloves, ginger and cinnamon. I'm not certain about the quantities-"

"Because where she comes from she doesn't even go to the kitchen." Cree spoke.

"It's all right. I'll figure it out just for you." She left us.

"What was that?" I asked him.

He's spiteful!

"I bet you're getting used to people tripping all ove you. Right?"

"It's not my fault. It comes with the title."

"Yeah right. You're not the same. You've changed. He has changed you. What happened to the carefree tomboy? Now you're wearing dresses and make up and you look like one of them!"

"Cree, I haven't changed. I have adapted. But you, you have changed. You're bitter, arrogant and spiteful."

"What do you expect after what I have been through?"

"I told you not to fight him but you did it anyway! And th n you tried to shoot him. You cheated Cree and he reacted with equal aggression. I mourned for you. I did. Until I found out you are alive. So you cannot sit there and accuse me if not fighting for you. I had a lot to lose, not just you."

The young waitress brought the tea. She carefully set it on the table. Her hands are trembling. "It is such an honour. It is such an honour!" She is almost squealing in her whispers.

"Thank you. What's your name?"


"Hey Miriam! Didn't I order tea!" Cree slapped my cup away and the hit liquid spilled and burnt me. I jumped quickly and the young waitress pressed the linen napkins on me.

"I'm sorry." She apologized. Now people have definitely noticed me.

"That's enough." It's Crassus. "Move away from the queen."A certain acknowlgement. They are lining up around me. I haven't been exposed to this attention since the wedding day. "Let's go."

He took my hand and pulled me away. I waved at the waitress who waved back at me with a smile on her face. Crassus whisked me across the street, stopping cars for us to pass. We got into the lobby of a hotel and seconds later into a lift. I realized I'm still holding the linen napkin on my hand.

He brought me to a room. I paused at the door. "Can you please bring Cree to me?"

"Your majesty, it's not my place to say this but he is not worth  it. His Majesty is flawed but he has your best interests at heart."

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