Chapter Forty Four: Blood Royals

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A/n: hello fellow Chea Nivans! Btw how do you guys pronounce this word? Is it Kee-a-niva or chia-niva? Just curious. Let me know. Anyhu... Daily updates from this book will be happening now that the Balotelli Legacy has cleared out. Happy reading!

Queen Mother's POV
This is the first time I'm visiting the Belle Verne Hall alone. At the beginning of the 'wedding season', which is when most marriages happen because it's the most beautiful time of the year, a ball is thrown in the honour of single people so that they can mingle. Some seek the queen's blessing as well as requesting to be matched. The royal match maker usually takes care of these things but when the queen is interested in a particular match, she intervenes.

The Queen is not available. She is somewhere, hopefully getting pregnant. I told Dargan not to bring her back unless she is pregnant. I meant it.

I miss my husband. I miss the companionship of not the warmth. My bed has never been colder. For the last 30 years, I have had his warmth beside me. Now I know nothing but an empty heart and a cold bed. His jokes are distant echoes. Hid laughter a fading memory. I am struggling to remember the sound of his voice. I stare at his pictures everyday to commit his face to memory. I dint want to forget but time is making him fade and I'm fighting hard to remember him like  the day before he died.

We talked about this event on that day. We said we would marry Dargan off forcefully on this day if he didn't willingly do it. The wedding day came and Rehan wasn't there. This day has come and he is not here.

It's a heavy empty feeling.

"Your majesty." I saw a hand extended into the back of Rolls Royce. Th door is open. We are here. I'm supposed to get out of the car. I took his hand and he helped me out. General Curran has become a good companion. He looks for excuses to be at the palace. I know he comes to see me but I try to tame myself from entertaining him too much.

"Thank you General."

He bowed for me. He offered his arm. I took it and allowed him to accompany me. It's late into the evening, just a quarter to 6pm.

"Allow me to complement you. You look ravishing this evening."

"Thank you. Your uniform looks crisp. Do you have anything hanging in your wardrobe other than your uniform?"

He chuckled deeply. "Perhaps you could visit and see for yourself."

I stopped walking to look into his playful blue eyes. "Is that an invitation to visit your home General?"

"It is an invitation for you to visit me and allow me to make you a meal. I dint believe myself to be a culinary expert. I'm no match for the royal chefs but I am confident it will be palatable."

I laughed softly. "Palatable... I can work with that. I will enjoy the pleasure of your company General Curran. I accept."

"Tomorrow night?"

"Your majesty, time?" Beatrice tapped her wrist watch.

"It's a date." I patted his arm and left his side to join Beatrice. My ladies in waiting straightened the beautiful pearl coloured gown to perfection before I stepped into the limelight. I waved lightly at the cheering subjects and paused for a few photographs with some nobles. I love this part. I love pictures. I'm always ready for one but my side has never felt so empty. Rehan isn't here anymore.

I decided to proceed into the hall when I started to feel emotional. My tears are close to falling. I took a second to myself just to get some composure. Selina told me to stay at home and snub the whole ball but how can I when the match making is centered around the queen? Nesrin isn't here. Even if she was, she would snub this party. There's so much work to be done with her. So much work!

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