Chapter Seventeen: Truth or Death

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Nesrin's POV
"You really have doomed us, haven't you?" My mother asked me. "Why would you? Couldn't you wait for your father to explain?"

As soon as she said so, my father returned alone. The man who accompanied the king is watching silently. My eyes shifted back to my mother.

"I thought I was clear. I dint want anything to do with this marriage but you two refuse to use your ears and listen to me!"

"Daughter, I'm going to pay for this probably with my life." My father spoke solemnly. "I hope you can sleep well after my death."

"What?" I asked.

"I promised your hand to the king. Now it happens that I lied to him because you're with child. Another man s in the picture. I have deceived the crown, the punishment is death. Are you happy now?"


We all rose to our feet when he came back in the living room. He looked at all if us. "My intention was to collect my bride and leave. But it seems it will be a long night because I will get to the bottom of what is happening in this household. Nesrin, has a midwife confirmed your pregnancy or are you assuming that you are pregnant?"

"A midwife will confirm." I ascertained. I paid a pretty penny for this lie to stick.

"Mrs Vanden, did you confirm she's pregnant?"

"Yes your majesty. The midwife confirmed and she had the symptoms. She was quite unwell a few days after it took." I noticed the king's jaw clenching.

"General Vanden, were you aware of this pregnancy when we spoke at the palace?"


"I'll be clear. I hate to repeat myself so pay attention. Should this pregnancy be true, General Vanden will bear the consequences along with the man you fooled around with-"

"You have fooled around much more!" I snapped at him.

"Silence! Did I ask you to speak?" He snapped at me too. "Speak when you're spoken too! Even a daft being understands that! As I was saying before you ever so rudely interrupted, even you will bear consequences Nesrin for spreading your legs for the wrong man!" He paused with narrowed eyes. "Should it be a lie, the midwife and you, Nesrin will suffer consequences. Just so I'm ckear, consequences means death."

"You will kill me?" I asked him. "Please do because that outcome is far much better than being chained to you in matrimony!"

He closed in on me swiftly, gripping my arm with force. "I'll have your father executed. I'll have your boy toy executed. I'll have the midwife executed if this is a lie and dear, dear Nesrin, I'll make you watch. And then I'll grant you pardon so that you can live with regret for the test of your miserable existence!"

I trembled. "You are cruel."

"You haven't met me yet. I'll show you cruel. Kneel."

"Go to hell!" I snarled.

He released me and looked away only to face me with dark wrath in his eyes. "I said kneel!" His voice boomed in the once quiet uneventful evening. I came down to my knees after my father did. "You two are on trial. You will have to earn a right to stand on your feet. Sergeant Andrew, get me the midwife and the boyfriend. Get me my scepter, it looks like there will be more executions tonight."

"Right away your majesty. Mrs Vanden, what is the boyfriend's and the midwife's names? Can I have their addresses?"

My mother presented a sheet of paper and wrote down the necessary information.

He sat on the armchair.

My mother is in tears.

My father is silent.

The General's Daughter & His Majesty Book #1Where stories live. Discover now