Chapter Sixteen: Determined To Lie

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Nesrin's POV
I can hear my father introducing Shamim.

My heart is racing in anticipation. I have already met the king. How can I forget what he sounds like when he's hitting a climax? The man whore is downstairs to claim his bride. I should go out through the window but there was something tragic about how my mother addressed me just before she left me to fix myself. She looked like she had the last straw and whatever I do now she won't care.

She said we have nothing. I have noticed the emptiness if our home. It's not just the servants who are gone but we are selling off furniture. I believe that the only reason mother hasn't sold the leather chesterfield set in the living room is because the king needed somewhere to sit.

"Lastly..." I saw him looking at me. His eyes look hopeful. I nodded to let him know it's okay to make the introduction. I put on my best dress, the one with extra padding to delude the king into seeing me as something more than flat chested. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, my eyes met his form. He's a handsome man! I dint think my view in Ebrium was this good! He's perfect. No. I must chastise myself. He's ruining my life. "My eldest daughter, Nesrin."

He stalked his way towards me. He's quite tall, lean and confident in his stride. He bowed before me. The king vows for me! This is rare. I noted my mother's smile. She looked at me hopefully but it faded when her eyes dropped to my midsection. If she only knew that I have my virtue intact and the pregnancy is the biggest lie I have ever told! "Nesrin. It's a pleasure to put a face to a name."

I love his voice. It's... nearly soothing.

My whole arm burned when his lips met the back of my hand. My eyes settled on the dark hair and the good pin securing it in place. He's a beautiful creature! Heaven help the female population!

"Your majesty." I acknowledged him and walked past him avoiding the dark eyes completely.

He followed me but I felt a little hesitant when I saw a black wolf seated beside the armchair father loves so much. It's pitch black, yellow eyes looking at me fiercely. I turned quickly but ran right into his arms, our bodies dangerously close. He held my elbows, his dark eyes gazing down at me. "You are more beautiful in person Nesrin. Flawless..." His hand moved over my bare arm, causing every hair on my skin to rise in excitement. There's something dangerous about his nature. It's alluring! His eyes have arrested mine. I can't look away. When he touched my face with his hand, I snapped on out of it and stepped back, throat dry. What the icy hell is this? My family is in quiet observation.

I quickly reminded myself of my imaginary baby. Yes! The lie must go on!

I sat down on the sofa and he remained standing until my sisters sat down too. "Mrs Vanden, please have a seat. My servants will take care of the household." He addressed my mother.

An old man with a nose stuck up in the air approached. He bowed before the king. "Your majesty, how can I serve you tonight?"

Who travels with his butler? I wonder, did he take his butler to war? Perhaps the poor man chased around him with a cup of tea in hand so that he can have the occasional sip.

"It's your household now. You run the show." He spoke calmly with his eyes still on me. I looked away at the crackling fire. My father sat next to me with some space between us.

The only sound is the crackling fire and the clock ticking away. Every second that passes is a second closer to this man claiming and branding me as his own. It cannot happen.

"You have beautiful daughters General Vanden. But I must congratulate the mother. She did all the work."

"Thank you your majesty!" My mother responded well before my father. The king is specifically looking at me. Never have I ever gotten this much attention. My heart is literally in my throat now.

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