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The ring sat heavily on her finger as she looked out the window, watching the children playing. There were six in total. They were hers, but she didn't love them at all. Not one bit.

How so, you may ask. Well, think of an observer sitting on a bench at a park. The person is watching the children play. This person might think, "how cute" or "where are the parents for the little ones?" That's how the woman by the window felt; although she was concerned about them but had no motherly instincts other than it was the right thing to do.

She found it strange that she didn't love them, even though she had always wanted to be a mother.

A sting caught her attention. She looked down; it was her wedding ring. It has been itching more often lately. It was suffocating, like it was strangling her. Had she added weight? No, that wasn't possible, she checked yesterday.

A cold presence filled the room, she sighed, gazing out the window once more. She could feel him just inches away from her. His eyes were always on her. He was monitoring her.

He never trusted her, she wondered why. She never tried to escape, the last time she attempted it was eight years ago. He always watched her, he rarely paid attention to the children. Sometimes it made her think if he even loved the children.

Perhaps because the children looked like him and not like her; he had mentioned once upon a time how he liked her hair colour, that it was one thing he found attractive about her. She had red hair while all the children had black.

Maybe that was the reason she didn't love the children; they all reminded her of the man behind her.

They have been married for 14 years but they built it in hate, deceit, lies, torture. They have been strong, that should be a good thing, right?

She rarely spoke, that's because he never spoke, so there was no reason to. It surprised her they hadn't fallen apart yet. Or maybe they have but didn't notice or cared to fix it and they saw it as normal.

She barely looked at him either, to the point she had almost forgotten how he looked. The only times she even glanced at him was during sexual intercourse, they never made love because love is not a thing in this household. It's a flimsy wish that will never come true, so don't even bother thinking about that. There was no amusement in this home because none of this was a joke.

The only amusement she got was from their sexual intercourse session. It was mostly one-sided; it didn't bother her. She would stay silent or sometimes fake moans when they did it and he knew they weren't real because once upon a time he knew when they were. She found it entertaining to watch his frustration.

But then it never ended well for her when she did that.

He would thrust harder; if he couldn't give her pleasure, he would give her pain. There was a time when she would bleed onto the white sheets like a newly wedded virgin being deflowered on her wedding night by her new husband.

But it was alright since if she got pregnant, she would see a new side of the man. He would be affectionate; he never was unless she was pregnant. He liked it whenever she became pregnant; it made her vulnerable and dependent on him.

She liked it too whenever she was pregnant, as he would talk to her rather than being a shadow lurking in the dark, ready to attack if she tried to escape. However, the moment the child was 3 months, he would go back to the dark side of himself. His real self. It was the reason she wanted more children even though she didn't love them; so, she could see the good side of her husband, even though it was fake.

It was what made her fall in love with him once upon a time. The fake side of him until one incident, one misunderstanding, revealed his true self. That was the beginning of the end.

"Turn around. Look at me."

The woman turned around and looked up at him. There's no logical reason to disobey, it won't be in her favour.

His eyes bore into hers like he was staring into her soul, she had none. She resisted the urge to smile otherwise a purple left hand would print her face. It was going to be difficult covering it since he didn't like makeup on her. He wanted her bare and open for him. And makeup covered things. It covered secrets.

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