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A sickening snap signaling her end rang in her ears as Eva's body tumbled to the floor.

Her heart pounded loudly, making it the only sound she could hear. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. Foggy images and dull voices, she wasn't able to comprehend as she stared at the corpse, paralyzed with fear.

"Blair?" He noticed her shocked state. She didn't answer and gazed at the corpse. He moved to her, grabbing her by the shoulder and turned her to face him. "Blair, look at me."

He shook her lightly as her eyes still fixated on Eva.

Her dazed gaze shifted to Ameo. She then snapped out of her shock and sobbed. "Yo-you killed her."

"Yes, I did. She was a spy. Can you please get a grip on your—"

"Will you kill me too, right?"

"What? No–"

"What have I done to deserve this? I shouldn't have never been born!"

She continued to weep and shed tears, making it difficult for him to say anything. She sure cried a lot. How could he shut her up? He thought. Immediately, his mind went to killing. No, that won't work. How was he supposed to get his money if he killed her?

She suddenly went silent, and her limbs slumped into Ameo.

Philip entered the place due to Blair's screams but saw that she was now unconscious and Ameo was holding her. "Master, what did you do to her?"

"I knocked her out. She couldn't just stop crying."

Philip glanced at the dead Eva. "Anyone would if they had witnessed someone's death for the first time."

"Hmm, understandable. Let's go." He stood up and carried her out of the room.

"But won't they suspect her unconsciousness?"

Ameo stopped in his tracks as he was carrying a passed-out Blair in his arms. He let out an annoyed groan. "Shift the flight an hour or two. She should be awake by that stage." He put her back on the bed and walked out, leaving her to sleep.

The next morning, they headed to the airport. Throughout the entire trip, Blair hadn't said a word. She must have realised that this was the reality she had to face.

As they were in a car heading to his house, he secretly glanced at her and noticed a few tears rolling down her cheek, which she quickly wiped away. He felt sorry for her; she was clueless of the things her parents did. It's quite heartless of them to sell their child just to save themselves from paying.

When they both arrived, Blair opened the door and got out of the car. In front of the mansion, there was a roundabout. The mansion itself looked like a castle. She craned her neck to take in the full scale of his residence. Ameo later came out and slowly started approaching her. He followed her gaze to the house.

"Let's go in," he said. He sauntered toward the house and eventually she accompanied him.

They entered his house and were immediately greeted by what she assumed were the people working there.

"Take her to her assigned room. She will stay here for... a while. And Alina."

A woman somewhere around her mid to early twenties spoke up. "Sir."

"You will take care of her for the time being, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good," he said before he walked away, leaving Blair with Alina and a few other workers.

"This way, miss."

Blair's head turned to Alina. "Oh, okay."

Alina led her to an elevator that reached the second floor. They walked down a hallway, passing a few doors, and Alina opened a door leading to a room.

"It must have been a stressful day for you, you can rest now and call me later if you have any issues."

Alina closed the door, letting Blair have some alone time. Blair looked around and noticed the room was bigger than she thought.

There was a huge comfy looking bed, a bathroom, and a balcony with the view of a huge green maze decorated with flowers.

Blair entered a room in what seemed like a walk-in closet. She looked around and there were rows of clothes and there was a gigantic full body mirror.

She came out of the closet, ran to the fluffy bed, and collapsed onto it.

"This feels so heavenly!" She wrapped herself up in the blanket and rolled around on the bed. And before she knew it, she dozed off.

Few hours later, a knock interrupted her sleep.

Blair let out a groan as slowly sat up from the bed and walked to the door, opened it and Alina came into view with a tray of food.

"It seems like you took some sleep, sorry for bothering you."

"No, it's alright."

Alina walked into the room and placed the food on a desk. "For today, I'll serve your food here. Tomorrow, I'll show you around the place."

"Oh, okay..."

And with that, Alina walked out without a word. She didn't like Blair that much.

The next day, Alina showed her around on the first and second floor. Alina showed Blair the kitchen, an indoor swimming area, and a sunken living room with a massive TV above.

They entered the elevator again, and Blair noticed she hadn't gone to the basement or third floor yet. "What's in the basement?"

"There is a cinema room and a gym, he permits you to go there."

"A gym?"

Alina raised an eyebrow. Her cold gaze shifted and glanced sideways at Blair. Her gaze has a hint of playfulness in them. "How did you think he got a body like that? Sculptured by a Greek goddess' fantasies?"

A deep red colour painted Blair's cheeks. "Oh... that makes sense. Sorry."

Alina chuckled at her reaction and faced forward. Silence fell between them, but it was now more pleasant and friendlier.

Blair then spoke up a while later. "What about the third floor?"

"The first floor is for the workers and the second is for the guests, as you know. As for the third floor, it's restricted from entering before asking."

"And why is that?"

"Because it's Master Adler's floor, don't go there."


Alina secretly glanced at Blair. She was very obedient; she thought Blair would be more... difficult.

They reached the backside of the castle-like mansion. Blair scanned around the flower-decorated maze, the summer blazing sun making the colour of the flowers more vibrant.

"Like I said, you are allowed everywhere except the few locked doors and the–"

"Third floor." She turned around to face Alina. "Got it. I won't go there, I promise, "she reassured, smiling at her.

Alina almost glared at her; she hated being interrupted.

But Blair didn't pay attention to it when she saw a silhouette of a male by a balcony. She looked up to the balcony and squinted her eyes, trying to see the man, but the sun was doing her no good. It was facing them. She raised her hand to her forehead, shielding her eyes from the sun to see better.

But he was gone before she could get a better view of him.

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