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Few hours later, lying on her stomach, Blair sleepily opened her eyes. The enormous windows were covered by black curtains, hindering any light from seeping through and no sign of Ameo anywhere.

She looked at a digital clock on a side table and 14:34 pm was displayed on it. She stared at it in shock that she woke up so late.

Blair let out an exhausted groan, trying to move, but her body felt so heavy, her hips were in pain and muscles demanding for some redemption. He had gone too far and her stupidity allowed him to have his way with her.

She took a few deep breaths, her hair falling over her face as she slowly attempted to push herself up, her feeble arms trembled from the pressure. After much struggle, she eventually gave up and collapsed back to the bed.

"Miss Blair, I'm coming in." Alina entered the room and Blair looked at her, confused about how she entered the room. Does it not require a passcode?

As if she could hear Blair's mind, she said, "Master Adler gave me a card to use while I tend to you in his room. I'll give it back to him once I'm done."

Blair nodded. Alina then helped Blair stand up from the bed and they headed to the bathroom.

Blair tried to avoid her own reflection in the mirror, but that was impossible. That man had almost done a number on her. She was surprised that Alina took her haggard appearance with no surprise or shock in her eyes.

No words were spoken between them as she bathed Blair.

Once done taking a bath, Alina grabbed a dress from Master Alder's wardrobe and helped dress up and fix Blair's hair before leaving the room in silence.

Blair checked the time on the nightstand and it was almost four o'clock. She quickly headed downstairs only to find Ameo working at his desk in the study room.


Ameo lifted his gaze and watched as Blair made her way toward him. "Shouldn't you be in bed?"

She frowned at his question. "What do you mean by that?"

He looked down to his laptop, typing away. "I thought you would sleep longer after the activity we did this morning. Thankfully, I told Alina to check up on you every once in a while."

Blair blushed at the mention of 'activity.' "Oh...um...did you go to the company today?"

He paused before continuing with his work. "Yes, I did for a while. Why do you ask?"

"I wanted to go with you. It's quite boring here."

"You won't be coming to the company from now on." His eyes were still on his laptop.

This took Blair by surprise. Just a month ago and even yesterday, he allowed her. Now he decided to change his mind? "But why? I didn't disturb you or anyone. You said I can go with you whenever you go. I thought you had let me start working there."

This time, his gaze snapped up to hers, and it caught her by surprise on how cold and chilling his stare was.

"Blair. You won't be stepping into that place again, do you understand?"

Blair left his study in frustration. How could he limit her whenever he wanted? And she couldn't talk to Tina about this since she was busy taking care of her baby and if she told her, Tina she would most likely talk to Ameo and Blair would probably be in more trouble. And Blair couldn't talk to Alina or Natal; they both worked for Ameo and would have to eventually talk to him about what was discussed.

So the only person she could talk to was Andrew, he would listen and won't tell Ameo.

Meanwhile, Ameo was still working in his study room. He felt a bit bad about how he dealt with Blair; he was frustrated because of what he overheard some men at work talk about her in such high spirits and how it disappointed them that she didn't show up with Ameo.

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