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As soon as Blair reached her room, she sank to the floor, leaning against the door.

She couldn't believe that she was the one that started the whole thing. For her to even think Ameo took advantage of her, she was so stupid.

Blair needed to go out, even if for just a moment. She was so embarrassed that wasn't sure she could ever look at Ameo again.

Determined to go out, she got a hold of her phone and dialed Tina's number and her to inform her she would be visiting.

Blair hurried to put on proper clothes for the cold weather as it's soon spring now. An uneasy notion stirred in her stomach as she stared out the window as the cars sped by. She hated spring; it was the season when it rained the most and whenever it rained bad things tend to happen to her.

She shut her eyes, cutting off the horrible memories of her childhood. They didn't matter anymore. At least, that was what she was trying to convince herself.

Blair stepped out of the car and into the building. She went past the reception and the receptionist gave her a nod in acknowledgement, which she smiled in return. She had been visiting Tina so often that everyone knew her and what she was here for.

Once inside the massive apartment, she announced her presence and a tired groan from Tina was the response given. She headed to Tina's room and opened the door.

Tina was lying on her back, her hair, which had grown a few inches, was a mess and her pale blue sleepless eyes had sunken with dark circles.

"Tina? What happened? Are you sick? Where are Eric and the kids? Did they–"

"Hey..." Her exhausted voice stopped Blair's rant. "First; No, I'm not sick, I'm just tired."

"Then what happened?" Blair went to sit on a chair beside the bed.

Tina chucked. "Well, I woke up like this and couldn't stand up. Eric called the doctor and we came to find out it is possible for a baby in your belly to sleep on your spine. So I'm paralysed and stuck on this bed until the baby wakes up."

Blair stared at her in shock. "Are you serious? That's possible?"

"Yep, you can't imagine the horror that went through me when I woke up and I couldn't move at all." Tina shook her head and let out a breath in disbelief.

"Then what about Eric and the children?"

"Oh, he took them to work for them so they wouldn't be disturbing, and his assistant hired someone to take care of them while he's busy."

Blair nodded in understanding. "Oh, okay."

"Anyway, enough about me." She let out a breath. "What about you? You came here with a short notice, it must be very important."

"Well, it's... it's about Ameo."

Her gaze hardened. "What did he do now? Did he hurt you?! If I get my hands on–"

"W-wait!" Blair's eyes widened in shock by Tina's outburst. "No, no, don't worry, he didn't hurt me. That's not what I'm talking about... it's just that Ameo and I are getting really close now. He's starting closer to my personal space, and I'm not stopping him."

Tina looked at her with confusion. "Oh, well, is that a bad thing?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Blair looked down, playing with her fingers. "No, not really..."

"Okay, that's good then."

"H-he said that he was interested in me as well."

"Really?" Tina's voice displayed both shock and excitement. "Finally."

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