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Blair stared at him, not sure what to do with that information. Her parents weren't the best people, but they took care of her. Though, it was clear on who was the favourite child.

"You won't hurt them, right?"

He leaned back into his chair. Was she an idiot or just too forgiving? He studied her for a moment. Her eyes were clear and open, not holding any hint of grudge or anger against them. Her parents didn't treat her well. It was very obvious when they were trying to negotiate about how to pay off the debts. They were describing her with such enthusiasm to where it was disgusting.

"You know your parents sold you, right?"

"Yes, I know."

"Yet here you are, asking for their well-being?"

Blair was silent and looked down at the book on her lap.

"I want to tell you I've sent my men to catch them so I can get rid of them myself."

Her head snapped up at him and stared at him, there was hurt in her eyes. "W-what?"

"I will kill them regardless of whether you like it. I'm just informing you since you have the right to; they are your parents, after all."

"But you don't have to, I've already forgiven them!"

He rested his cheek against his hand and nonchalantly studied her. "Good for you, you have a very big heart. But not everyone is as forgiving, and that includes me."

Blair stayed silent, but her lips quivered and her eyes glossy.

She won't start crying, right? He sighed before breaking the silence. "How about this? I'll give them a peaceful, painless death."

She bit her lip, trying to refrain herself from bringing out tears. "Fine... I-I understand..."

Ameo observed her for a moment. That was easier than he thought. What a strange woman. He then sat up straight in his seat. "That's all I want to say, you can leave."

She slowly rose from and walked out the door.

He watched her stoically. Now he felt bad for doing this.

As soon as Blair closed the door, a tear ran down her cheek. She immediately wiped it off. She knew her parents weren't the best, but that was not enough for them to die.

She headed to the elevator, and her mind was somewhere else. She reached out to press the second floor button, but halted and pressed the button leading to the basement.

Blair walked down the dark hallway and looked for an unlocked door.

She found an unlocked door leading to the cinema room that Alina was talking about. She flicked the lights on and stepped inside the room that was filled with sofas big enough to lie down and sleep in. Why bother having a cinema when he was a workaholic?

A popcorn machine caught her attention. She headed to it and grabbed an empty bag, filling it in. She found a small remote, then took a seat and pressed on the 'ON' button. Blair flinched, nearly dropping her bag of popcorn and the book in her hand when suddenly, the lights switched off and the 'IMAX' logo popped on the enormous white screen.

That was not what she was expecting.

She scrolled and browsed through some movies. She later found a somewhat interesting film and watched it. Half-way through it, she rested her eyes for a bit and before she knew it; she fell asleep.

Startled awake, Blair sat up from the sofa and looked at her surroundings with creased brows, but she realized the next second on how she got here.

Letting out a yawn, she stood up and stretched her body.

She checked her phone, and her eyes went wide. The time on the phone was 5.30 am. She looked back at the sofa. She grabbed her book and half-empty bag of popcorn and hurried out the room.

She raced down the semi-dark hallway. Suddenly, as she was walking down the corridor, a door ahead of her opened and a tall dark figure stepped out.

Blair came to a halt, trying to figure out who that person was. Lo-and-behold, it turned out to be Ameo. She couldn't help but stare at him.

His long black hair was tied up in a low ponytail. He was wearing a hoodie tank top, and the sweat beads running down his olive skin, with the dimmed lights cast onto it, gave him this bronze-like shimmer.

God, he looked like one of those Greek statues. She still couldn't believe that was her once-upon-a-time nightstand.

"And what are you doing here this time around?"

Blair instantly snapped out of her trance. She tore her eyes from his sculpted body to meet his own. A burning look gleamed in Ameo's bright eyes as he stood tall, and through his dark thick lashes, he stared her down with his blazing green gaze.

Immediately, she looked away. That was intense. She swallowed hard, praying that her face didn't look as hot as it felt.


She fidgeted a bit. "Oh, um... I was I-I was uh... in-in the cinema room, and-and then... I um... I-I just–I must um... I–"

"Just... stop talking. You are nearly giving me a stroke when you stutter like that." He rubbed his forehead, clearly not pleased with her somewhat confusing sentences.

Before she could respond, frantic footsteps echoed through the place. Both Ameo and Blair looked to see who was coming. Alina came down the hallway with a dreadful expression, and a few workers were right behind her.

As soon as she finally spotted Blair, relief washed over her face. "Miss, where were you? I have been looking for you everywhere--"

Her words were caught in her mouth when she noticed Ameo was with Blair.

"S-Sir. Adler, I apologise for not being aware of your presence--"

"Don't bother," he interrupted. Ameo took notice of her phone and grabbed it before she could react.

"Hey, that's my phone--"

"Take her to her room."

"I'll take her right away." Before she could protest any further, Blair was taken by the workers to her room.

Meanwhile, Ameo later headed up to the third floor, took a shower and put on some clothes. He went out of the building with a car waiting for him and Philip was already there.

"Good morning, sir," he greeted as he opened the door and Ameo entered the car.

"Let's get going."

"Yes, sir." Philip entered through the passenger door before the car moved.

After about 30 minutes, the car slowed down to a place that seemed to be an abandoned warehouse. Ameo stepped out of the vehicle and entered the place with other men in tow.

Ameo then moved to a door in the corner that was guarded by men. One of them nodded in respect and opened the door as soon as Ameo approached.

He and the men following, walked past the door and went down a flight of stairs to where it took them to a grey underground cell hall.

They go to the furthest door that was guarded as well, with men on either side of it. Immediately, the men stepped aside, making way for him.

Inside the room was a man and a woman tied up in ropes.

As soon as they saw him, fear flashed in their eyes. He smirked. "Good morning, it's a pleasure to meet you again, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson."

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