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Everyone in the casino murmured around softly, debating if Adler's woman could really win against Vonte. What did he mean by having some alone time with her? Surely he couldn't mean...

This could deepen the tension between the heirs of the two most powerful families in the country and in the underworld.

Blair tried to ignore the surrounding talking, but her nerves were getting to her. She even thought of backing out but would make her look like a coward and it would reflect on Ameo.

They already laid out the cards, and Andrew was decent enough to let her start first. Everyone watched with fixed stares of anticipation; they held breaths as it left the room with a thick silence that no one dared to cut.

Blair and Andrew took turns picking cards to put them in their order from ace to king. It was a game of patience and whoever finished on the third round would be the winner.

After rounds till three. Blair made a stupid move, automatically making her opponent win. Polite sounds of applause echoed around the room.

Once it quieted down, Andrew rose, standing at his full height. He was slightly taller than Ameo but they were both intimidating, regardless.

He went to Blair's side and stretched forth his hand, a smile still on his face. "Excellent play, my lady. Now, shall we have some privacy?"

She looked down at his stretched out hand, and without giving Ameo a single glance, she placed her hand with hesitance on his. Her eyes narrowed a bit at a childish thought that popped into her head of how pathetically tiny her hand was as he clasped it into his.

They both left the place, the crowd were whispering among themselves while making a path for them to walk through. Blair resisted the urge to look down, the crowd's watchful eyes were filled with a mixture of emotion; some with indifference, some with interest, and some with envy.

A wave of an intense emotion ran through her; fear. The hairs behind her neck rose, like a cold sensation touched her.

She turned toward that direction and the most beautiful woman Blair had ever seen stood alone in the corner. She had silky, full hair, the colour of ivory, falling down to her shoulders. The wine dress formed graciously over her hourglass frame. Although Blair wasn't that bad to look at; she was more on the plain side, the more subtle side rather than the head-turner that was across the room.

There was something strange about the woman; her gaze, an intense emotion came from her catlike eyes.


It was directed at Blair, this pure hate was something Blair had never seen in someone's eyes before, especially from someone she didn't know.

"What are you thinking about?"

Andrew's voice against her ear forced her to break eye contact with the women. She glanced at Andrew, who gave her a knowing look before guiding her by the waist, away from prying eyes.

He took her outside to the massive backyard of the building. There was a stone pathway leading to an inside garden at the centre of the backyard.

Once alone and out of earshot, he let go of her and turned to face her, his playful smile not fading once.

"I'm glad we met again, Blair."

Blair awkwardly shifted from one foot to the other. "I-I'm surprised to see you here."

"I guess we live in a small world that seems big." He walked over to a bench, he patted on it once he sat down to invite her to sit as well, which she did.

They sat there in silence for a while before curiosity overpowered her about why Andrew brought her here.

Andrew leaned on the bench, looking up at the sky for a moment before he turned a suspicious eye to her. "You did it on purpose, didn't you? You knew you could win; it was obvious, why did you make such a stupid move?"

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