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He sighed before picking the phone, but what he heard at the other end surprised him.

"Amy, my baby boy!"

Ameo pinched his nose in frustration. His mother managed to grab his father's phone to call him.

"Good morning, ma."

"Good mornin' to you. How are you?"

"Yeah... I'm alright. Why are you calling me with father's phone?"

"Oh, you know your dad i,; always annoying. He took my phone because he saw an idiot comment 'beautiful' under a picture I posted, and that somehow gave him a reason to take my phone away. I think he's just jealous."

"Hmm. That's not good."

"Yes, you are 100% right. Oh...by the way. Do you know your sister is soon to give birth, right?"

"Yes, I know, ma." He read some documents to get a bit of more work done as his mother kept rambling on.

"And do you know that I have been visiting her more often?"

"Mm-hmm," he hummed the answer. He recently spoke to his father about his mother leaving the house more often.

His father has always been protective of mother for as long as he could remember. He never liked her being out of his raider and wanted to know where she was at all times, but he also wanted Ma to be happy; so the only way he could show his frustration of her leaving the house was by calling Ameo to complain.

"And do you know I heard some rumours and confirmed it from your sister about a girl you have in your residence?"

Ameo paused, his jaw clenched in annoyance. "Mother, stop listening to any nonsense from Tina. Again." He didn't want people to know her yet, he had worked so hard to bring her guard down. And all this attention would bring her walls up again. They weren't even in a relationship yet... well, they were, but she was just too slow to know that.

"Ameo dear, you know I want a daughter-in-law and babies! I'm not getting any younger. You know how much I want babies, Ameo."

He sighed because he knew that very well. When his mother was expecting Tina and him, she nearly died in the labour room and from that day, his father refused to have more children despite them always wanting a big family.

"Ma, don't say that. You'll see me get married and have children. You are not old, just look a year older."

Her scoff pierced through the phone. "Your father would disagree with that. He calls me an old woman anytime we have an argument."

"Ma, I don't want to know about your arguments with your father." 'Most of the time it was you that caused it,' he wanted to say, but held it to himself. "I'm busy at the moment, I'll talk to you when I have the time."

"You can't be serious. What about the woman Tina mentioned? Is it true? I want to meet her, Ameo. She might be my–"

Ameo hung up the phone and put it on mute. Father was right to take her phone away from her. Perhaps he was trying to help him avoid mother and her insistent marriage talk.

Hours later, Ameo looked outside, and the sun was already down and he wasn't even tired. This insomnia bullshit was just getting better, but with Blair not here to tell him to go to bed or even keep him company, he won't be able to sleep long.

Finally, having enough of her avoiding him, he went out the door, went to his room to change before he headed over to her room.

Ameo initially wanted to knock, but he knew she was a deep sleeper, and so he let himself in instead.

It was almost like a déjà vu from when he last entered here and watched her sleep.

He pondered over if he should sleep here, beside her, or carry her to his room. However, rumours could spread if anyone found him in bed with Blair.

He let his fingers brush her hair away from her doll face. She shivered underneath him but didn't wake up. He then travelled to her soft neck and shoulder, playing with the straps before caressing her arm.


His soft tone, along with the continuous repetition of her name, woke her up; she eventually opened her eyes.

Her eyes widened in fear, but it quickly subsided when she recognised who it was. "Ameo? What are you doing here?" She sat up on the bed, looking at him questionably.

"I was busy, and I wasn't able to see you. How are you doing?"

She stayed silent, guilty that she was actively avoiding him since that day. But she couldn't help it. After those women said, she thought less of herself; that she wasn't worthy of being loved and cared for. Ameo was the only one, aside from Alessia, that really cared for her wellbeing. But did she really deserve it? She had no talent and was hopeless when it came to confrontation; she wasn't worthy of these things.

"And there you go again."

His voice cut her thoughts, she was met with capturing emerald eyes, watching at her as if trying to see her mind and she was thinking about. "What do you mean?"

"Anytime I ask you a question, you take a long time to answer and your face would look gloomy and down. What are you thinking about that would make you look so... miserable?"

"Oh...I... um..." She was completely lost in words. Her lips parted in shock, her expressions gave little to the imagination. She was easy to read.

When she didn't answer, he sighed. His face slightly frowned in disappointment for trying to get closer to her. He still had a long way to go.

"Forget it. But answer me this." He shifted around the bed to be more comfortable. "What happened in the bathroom that day?"

Blair looked down at her hands before she slowly uttered an answer. "There were some women who weren't really... that nice."

"Who were these women? Do you know their names?" He observed her. She was hesitant and uneasy, but he was finally going somewhere.

"Well...no, I don't know them, but I know one of their names. Her name was Duria, and she seemed to know you."


Ameo clenched his jaw in recognition of the name.

Duria Walcher.

She was one of his... encounters; he broke ties with her when she wanted more from him. A relationship.

"Don't let her worry you, she can't do anything."

Blair nodded but said nothing. He then took her hand, causing her to look up at him. Her hand lifted to reach his lips, his curious gaze not leaving hers. She couldn't stop her heart from fluttering by the feeling of his lips brushing her skin. Barely a touch, so feather-like.

"Blair. Can I stay here for the night?" His eyes never broke contact.

After a short episode of hesitation, she nodded once more.

They had become closer than ever over the past months to where she thought it was going too fast.

Ameo then pulled her against him as they both laid in bed. His arm held her around the waist and her back was pressed against his chest. Blair stiffened for a moment before letting herself relax and sink into him. This kind of intimacy she had never experienced with anyone before.

After a moment of silence, her eyelids were heavy and she struggled to hold them up, but eventually gave in.

Ameo's arms gave her a comforting squeeze before sleep then overtook her and she entered a deep slumber.

Next morning, Blair woke up early. Ameo was no longer behind her when she turned around. She touched the side of the bed he slept on.

It was cold; like he had never been there.

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