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Blair stared at Ameo as he was busy with work. He was always busy with work. Did he have a life outside of it?

The only times he wasn't working was when she insisted on him to be with her. But the moment that was done, he was back to work again.


"Yes?" He didn't spare her a glance.

"What do you do for fun?"

And without missing a beat. "Fucking you till you cry."

Her jaw dropped at his remark, and her face turned to a ripe red shade. "A-Ameo, that-that was not what I meant and you know that."

Ameo ignored her, he had to admit she was slowly getting under his skin. It has been over a month since he got that horrible letter in that same damn green envelope... until two nights ago.

The contents in those letters gave too much of Blair and who she met, and who she supposedly had sex with.

His head had been distracted every day since that day. He could barely look at her without imagining her being with another man. He managed not to let anger and jealousy cloud up his rational thinking. There was no way Blair, she couldn't just sleep with someone she just met.

Ameo's body froze; but she did that to him when they first met, in fact, she gave up her virginity to him that same very night. If she could do that, then...


He blinked out of his thoughts. He must have been in a daze because Blair was in his face, waving to get his attention.

Ameo stared deep into her eyes, and all he could see was concern; no hint of deceit or lies. They were so clean and transparent that he could probably read her thoughts. She wouldn't dare to do those things.

She couldn't betray him, he had already started to open up for her, being more considerate and gentle; he would do anything to make sure she was comfortable as long as she was by his side. As long as she was his.

He prayed those letters weren't real because no one could save her from him.

He grabbed her hand that she kept waving over his face and kissed the palm, not breaking eye contact.

"I'm taking you on a date."

Blair was momentarily silenced with shock. "Wh-what? Right now?"

Ameo ordered Alina and Natal to pack up clothes for an entire week and Philip to prepare the car and push all his meetings to the next week.

Blair entered the car, but before saying goodbye to Eveline. Ameo was in the driver's seat. They drove in comfortable silence to a somewhat isolated area, far from his mansion.

Once they reached their destination, Blair stepped out and took in the view of the small cosy cabin that overlooked a lake surrounded by trees. It was a place to have peace and away from all problems, even for just a moment.

The inside of the cabin was warm and welcoming, heat soothed her skin the moment she stepped in deeper into the home. It was a stark contrast to the cold, harsh weather outside as summer was coming to a halt.

"What is this, and what are we doing here?" She turned back to look at him and found him leaning by the entrance door, watching her all along.

He then stepped in, heading to the second floor, and Blair curiously followed him.

She almost gasped at the sight of a massive round bed in the centre with a glass ceiling just above it, shining a natural light on the bed.

She moved to the balcony far away from the bed. It overlooked the lake, creating a captivating reflection of the sun setting.

"Are we staying here for a while?" Not taking her eyes away from the breathtaking view.

Soon after, he was right beside her. "Yes." He silently stared at the lake below.

"But seriously though," she said after the silence, "What are we doing here?" She then glanced over at Ameo who was still gazing out.

"This place is close to my family's home. I came to this cabin as a child, to reflect, think and rest whenever I was sad. Because of that, I could always make good memories here. I want to share a good memory here with you."

Ameo turned to Blair, watching her soft hair brush against her face by the sudden shift of the silent wind.

"Then this place must be very special."

Blair tucked the strand of hair behind, not breaking eye contact. Her eyes were so fascinating; so pure with no bad intentions. He wanted to trust her, even though there was a risk. But it was always more risky to never take a risk.

He took a step forward to her and she didn't move, but just stared at him. Ameo came closer until he was right in front of her, towering over her. Although he was close, Blair wasn't afraid because she trusted him as well. He wasn't as scary as when she first knew who he was.

He softly touched her cheek before his fingers trailed to her chin. Ameo lifted it to see more of her bright round face.

He let out a chuckle when he noticed that her face had turned blushing red; she must have been expecting for this to happen for a while. That was when he knew she could never betray him with that innocent face of hers.

Little did he know that the image of her would be soon crushed, all because of a simple misunderstanding that could be easily resolved.

Refusing to let his mind wander any further, he leaned down to kiss her by the balcony as the sun set in.

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