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Ameo has been sitting on a bench, staring at the cement floor for 10 minutes now.

His knuckles throbbed from the continuous punches against the sandbag. He kept recalling and replaying that moment with Blair. From the look on her face, she enjoyed it, but it would seem that he went too far and fast with her.

She didn't trust him.

The more frustrated he was, the harder he punched. His muscles rippled with pain until it was maximised to its limit, seeking for salvation, but he didn't care.

After that day, it led to a thick atmosphere between him and Blair. If she spotted him, she would halt and say 'hi' before scuttling away in the other direction. Although Ameo found it quite adorable, but it made it difficult for him to approach her when she ran away every fucking time.

Half an hour later, Ameo landed the last punch before he let out a sigh. He wanted to kiss her, have her all for himself. To do that: Ameo had to put some work into it, win her over, get into her pants, make her stay with him and have no thoughts of leaving. And how he was going to put it into motion... was the damn problem.

With a bit of determination, he headed to the changing room to freshen up.

Eating salted popcorn in her room, Blair was watching T.V. That was what she had been doing since morning and now it was afternoon. When around Ameo, she didn't know what to do anymore. His aurora, the way he set his unflinching gaze on her even when she wasn't looking.

Bored out of her mind, she dropped the bowl of popcorn on the nightstand and kicked the blanket off of her before leaving the room to grab a glass of water. She needed to wash her mind from ever wandering to Ameo again.

When she stepped out into the hallway, it didn't go as planned.

Ameo was about to enter his office when, from afar, a door slammed. He looked in that direction and Blair was standing there with a surprised look on her face. She didn't expect to see him despite them both living under the same roof. This information simply intrigued Ameo.

He didn't speak or move; his face remained expressionless and stoic but his predatory gaze was sensed from across the corridor. A blush couldn't stop itself from painting her cheeks red. Ignoring the fluttering in the pit of her stomach, she began taking steps toward him to reach the kitchen. Blair lowered her gaze to avoid him, but unbeknownst to her, Ameo watched her with such desire like he was devouring her every move with his eyes.

Without saying a word, she went past him and to the kitchen. Blair reached up to grab a glass to drink water. She sensed someone behind her back and her heart stopped. A shiver descended her back when a strong arm wrapped around her waist, gently pulling her to his chest.

"Why didn't you say hi?"

She let out a trembling breath, intimidated by him, his closeness and how his voice made her feel.

He placed his hands on either side of her waist; it was feather-like. Ameo turned her around, to which she easily complied. He moved her a whole 180 until she was at an eye level with his chest.

Blair looked up at him with her doe eyes and his ever so intense gaze stared back at her. She clenched the glass cup in her hand. That was the only obstacle that prevented them from touching any more than they already did.

"Hi." The words came out as meek from her lips. She tried to move away, but his hands stood their ground. She looked down at the cup in her hand, staring through it and seeing fluffy slippers.

Ameo tilted her head up from under her chin. Her eyes directly staring into his green ones. "This habit of yours needs to be fixed, you can barely hold eye contact."

The way his eyes were tracking her like they wanted to memorise everything made Blair feel bare and exposed under that gaze.

Her eyes were multicoloured with every colour of the season; swirls of deep blue and cool yellow underneath the pale green and warm orange. It truly captivated him.

She looked elsewhere, stopping his focus on her features. Ameo frowned, she looked away, why?


Her eyes looked back in his direction at the sound of her name. She had always liked the way he said her name, with such a deep voice, one might think it was something special.

A little squeeze of her waist brought her back to the present.

Without letting his gaze leave her for one second, he uttered the words that made her stomach come to a halt.

"I'm attracted to you, I want to know you."

Blair couldn't say a word, every word that tried to come out, always stopped midway under his stare. That must be a lie, or maybe not. All those times he kissed her would make sense if what he just said was true. Her stomach fluttered with a wonderful sensation building inside by the words that he actually desired her, no one has really called her flattering in that way.

"Wasn't it obvious or were you just pretending not to notice, Blair?"

Blair watched him as he calmly drew the glass from her hand and set it aside.

He cupped her soft cheeks against his rough hand, tipping her face upward for better access. His seductive green eyes were so hypnotising that she had barely noticed him leaning in and pressing his lips against hers, light as a feather, before he pulled back.

The tension swirling between them thickened as he stared deeply into her eyes and she looked up at him with unmistakable lust in them. Her gaze went to his lips, and she moved with a timid demeanour towards it. She wanted more.

Ameo closed the gap between them and took her lips. She could tell that he was holding back by how gentle it was.

An arm pulled her closer to him. Blair kissed him back. She ran her fingers into his hair, pulling herself even closer to him.

His kisses became desperate and needy. His arm squeezed her around her waist. She gasped from the tightness and his tongue delved into her mouth, kissing her hard as he sank his other hand into her hair. Everything was fading around them when his warm tongue met hers, enticing her with experience to let herself go. In an instant, she couldn't help the shivers of pleasure running down her body.

With a slow motion, he pulled away, leaving her panting for air.

She stared up at him, having nothing to say after what had just happened. But that came to a quick halt when she noticed the dark circles under his eyes. Like he hasn't slept properly for ages. He looked so... tired.

Before she could stop herself, she placed her warm hand on his cheek. The gentle, intimate gesture stiffened Ameo's body but didn't push her away.

"Are you okay?" Her soft, concerned tone engulfed him like a warm blanket, and his muscles relaxed.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Why wouldn't I be?"

Blair's eyes never left his, she clearly didn't believe him. "Why don't you go to bed?"

"My work is waiting for me."

"And they will still be there when you finish your nap."

Her expression was serious, and her eyes flashed with determination. Who would have thought that she was this persistent. Her hand left his face, and with a few seconds of hesitation, she grabbed his hand.

"Where is your bedroom?"

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