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After a few weeks, the day has come for them to go to the auction. This also meant it was the first official time they would make a public appearance.

Blair wore a deep blue vintage floor length dress that made her stand out because of the stark contrast to her vibrant orange hair. It exposed her neck and shoulders with a tight bodice and a full skirt with layers. It was beautiful, but she was worried about being the center of attention since she was going as Ameo's companion.

Ameo had given her a full faced black and blue mask with golden outlines that she could use if she felt nervous. He wasn't wearing one since everyone knew him and he owned the place they were going.

"Don't worry too much," he said as he helped her step out of the car. A large building came into view, filled with the noise of people talking over each other and laughter echoing from the entrance with a crowd of elegant looking people flooding in. They were outside a casino called Redonx.

Blair frowned her face in confusion, looking at the casino. "I thought we were going to an auction?"

"It's underneath. We came early, so let's enjoy playing some games before going down," he said as he took her towards it. "This could help with your nerves." Ameo stopped before entering, he looked at Blair to make sure she understood.

She nodded in response, and they entered.

Several guests immediately stole glances at Blair as they stepped in. Ameo came closer, caressing her arm before he wrapped a firm and steady hand around her waist.

She glanced up at him and he was already staring down at her. Ameo pulled her close, a tiny flicker of desire darkened his green eyes as he roamed down her body.

Blair looked down, her face was burning up from his heated gaze but thankfully no one could see it; the mask hid it completely.


Her ears perked up to the sound of the person calling Ameo's name so casually. Perhaps they were friends and he even sounded familiar.

Mr. Alder narrowed his eyes on the man, not liking how he addressed him in such a manner. He led her to Vonte's direction, even though he wanted Blair to be far away from him and everyone else.

The man sat at a massive table, surrounded by serious-looking men with black suits, but only he stood out with a brown suit and loose white shirt that showed broad chest, hint of tattoos peeking through. He was wearing a wide grin; a very familiar grin. Then it hit her, he was the man in the shop that helped her buy some sweets about 2 weeks ago.

Andrew had light brown skin, with his eyes being the most fascinating feature of his that peeked through his even darker wavy hair that stopped at the nape of his neck; they were almost unnaturally yellow with glimpses of grey; they resembled the eyes of a wolf. Even the wolfish grin on his lips made them almost gold with a twinkle of playful wickedness. "Well, hello Ameo, it's good to see you again."

"Wish I could say the same to you, Andrew."

"Oh well, that's too bad." Andrew shrugged with feigned pity. "Ameo, these gentlemen and I just finished playing some poker and are quite bored with it and then played rounds of Simultaneous Solitaire." He glanced at the redheaded girl that Ameo was attempting to hide behind him. "I would like to play Double Klondike with her."

"She doesn't know how to play it." Ameo was quick to answer for her, not wanting to put her in a difficult situation, but trying to bring her out of it instead.

Blair felt his hand grip tighter around her waist. She looked up at Ameo and his jaw was clenched with eyes staring at Andrew, a dark expression shadowing his handsome features.

Andrew's brows jerked in surprise and let out a low laugh. "Oh, I can just teach her, it's quite easy." He casually leaned back in his chair.

"I'll play." Blair ignored the piercing gaze of Ameo when she left his side and she sat on the opposite side of the table, facing Andrew

"Alright, my name is Andrew Vonte, what's yours if I may ask?" He directed the question to Blair.

"My name is none of your concern."

Andrew looked at her questionably. "Why not? After all, I told you my name, so don't I deserve your name too?" he asked as he stared at her, amused.

"Well, I never asked. It's your fault, not mine. Now, shall we start, Mr. Vonte?"

He smirked fondly, interest sparkled in his golden eyes. He already knew her name, but he found it quite cute that she was trying to be mysterious; especially with that black and blue mask of hers. "Ah, yes, of course."

Andrew signalled the dealers to mix the two decks of cards. Once they were done, the dealers quickly and smoothly placed them out on the table.

"Do you know how to play Klondike and it works with two players?"

She glanced at Ameo before looking back. "Yes, I do." Blair used to play it whenever she got bored, whether online or real cards. She was quite good at it.

His eyes flashed with excitement. "Oh, that's good, this means we take this to the next level then."

"Next level?"

Andrew shrugged. "I was thinking of not placing bets, since you're new to this, but since you aren't. I wanna place one."

"What do you offer if I win?" she asked.

"Anything you want, I will gladly give it to you."

"If I ask you to never disturb me again, will you accept it?"

Andrew's head tilted to the side. "Why would you ask that? Did I ever annoy you? Have we... met before for you to ask that?" he asked, pretending to be confused, a knowing twinkle in his eyes.

Blair now knew that he had already recognised her. But Ameo didn't know he was the man she was talking about, given the fact that she didn't even know his name until now.

"No," she said almost immediately. "What would you want from me if you won, Andrew?" She stressed his name, showing that she knew he knew.

This time his casual posture straightened, almost like he was getting bored and things had just become interesting.

"What I want from you is a little of some... alone time."

By now, people were surrounding the area, curious about Adler's woman and how she gained the attention of the well-known playboy, Vonte. An eruption of murmur filled the room, but it was quickly silenced with a glare from Ameo.

Blair didn't know where she got the confidence from, but the moment her eyes met Ameo's eyes that were flaring with anger, daring her to accept, she felt something she hadn't before; powerful. She liked the feeling of it; she felt pathetic whenever Ameo left her to wake up alone in the bed every time they had sex. Although it was petty of her, she wanted him to feel jealous or anything at all to something that she caused.

This was her only way to get back at him.

"So, do you accept it?"

She bore her eyes into Ameo's, challenging him.

"I do."

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