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Blair laid there in bed, her head spinning around in circles.

Different thoughts kept flashing her mind, making her think about how she got into this situation and what could've prevented it from happening. What if she never went to that party? What if she never saw him, and if she did, what if she never grew curious about him? Then this would never have happened.

Then she paused. She had completely forgotten about her parents. They were the ones who sold her. Regardless if she had never met him earlier or not, he would eventually see her. But then maybe he would've never gotten interested in her at all if that were the case.

Blair twisted and turned around on the bed. When suddenly, in the middle of the night, a knock was heard. Blair looked at the clock and it was 12.30. Was it Andrew?


Blair frowned her face as it was a young boy's voice that called out. Why would a child be here? At this time of the morning?

"I was asked to deliver food to your room."

She headed to the door but stopped, Andrew said to lock the door at all times. But it was a child. With that thought in mind, she opened the door.

Indeed, there was a boy there who had a plate of food and a note on his hand.

"Here's the food, ma'am. A man gave this to me." He gestured to the note. "He told me I should give it to you as well."

She looked questionably at the boy. "Does the man have a name?"

The boy shrugged. "Don't know, the man said that you know him."

"Oh, okay, thank you." Blair reluctantly took the note and plate of food before closing the door shut.

She placed the plate on the nightstand before peeling open the letter.

|Hope you enjoy the food, we are leaving tonight in a few hours. Sincerely, Andrew ;)|

She chuckled at his consideration before looking at the food. It was her favourite dish. How did he know her most favourite food?

She had never told him.

She couldn't stop feeling that something was wrong. Wasn't she supposed to take the bus and go alone? Perhaps he managed to slow down Ameo's search for her and decided to drop her in the airport himself instead, it would be quicker.

She ate the food, enjoying everything, forgetting about her suspicion of the whole thing.

Few hours later, a knock made itself present. Blair had already changed her clothes and was ready to go.

She quickly headed to the door, excited that she was going to leave this country; away from the watchful eyes of Ameo.

Her smile vanished and heart dropped to the stomach. A pair of glowing emerald eyes, the ones she once admired, stared down at her in the dark hallway.

He would always find her, no matter where she was or went. He would always track her down.


It was supposed to represent calmness and tranquility. But it didn't, at this very moment it displayed the greed and jealousy that was always within him. A part of him.

He smiled, a smile that had no kindness or sincerity behind them. A smile that reassured her of the nightmares to come.

There was silence filling the hallway like there was not a single soul for at least a distance. He took a large step into the small room, his presence filled in the gaps, suffocating her.

"No..." Her watery eyes were saturated with fear looking up at him.

She couldn't move, she shouldn't. Paralysed with terror and a sense of helplessness, she watched as he neared her.

"Let's go home, my metolla."

That was all that she was to him.

His doll.

To break.

To break her until he had full control and bend her to whatever he wanted.

His metolla.

His arms wrapped around her body, a gesture meant to protect her, but it was just a trap; one she couldn't resist.

"We were supposed to have our wedding ceremony today. Thankfully, I found you," he said, patting her head like she was a child. "Don't worry, I've taken care of Andrew, he won't take you from me ever again."

Her breathing stopped for a moment at the mention of Andrew. What did he mean by 'taken care of Andrew'? Did he kill him?

The man pulled away from her to bring out a ring. A wedding ring.

He slowly took her hand, ignoring the fact that it was trembling, and pushed the ring into its destined place.

"The marriage certificate had already been signed."

There was no celebration, no happiness or laughter, no congratulations. Just the two of them in the dark hotel room, the silence filling the emptiness. Both in her heart and in this so-called marriage.

I should've killed him when I still had the chance.

He then brought her back to his embrace. Caged in his arms, he leaned down to kiss her forehead; a gentle reminder of her complete loss of freedom.

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