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"For fuck's sake," Ameo muttered under his breath.

Eyes were glued to his laptop and his ever prosperous headache progressed with each persistent ring of his phone. He really didn't want to talk to Tina, especially with his hangover and lack of sleep that kept resisting him throughout the night.

He sighed before picking his phone when it rang for the millionth time this afternoon. "What is it?"

"Ooh! It's now you picked up the phone even after my calls?"

"No, I was busy."

"Ameo, you are a very good liar," she said through the phone. He could hear the sarcasm in her tone.

He hummed in agreement. "Yeah, thank you. It means a lot."

"Ameo, do you know why I called you? "

He leaned back into his chair, staring up at the high ceilings that were decorated in carved details. She didn't waste time getting to the point. "No, I don't."

"It's about Blair."

As soon as he heard her name, Ameo stiffened. His back straightened in alert, leaning closer to the desk. He didn't know what to say and immediately the memories of last night came to mind:

He watched as she stammered and blabbered excuses of why she wanted to see him. His jaw clenched, he has been avoiding her so long and now she showed up looking like that. His gaze moved down her body; she was wearing a thin robe that tightly clung to her figure so that if he stared long enough, he could figure out what was behind it. Her fiery hair, still wet from taking a shower, seemed to shine in the light, which just escalated the already heated desire to want her, to have her. And eventually own her.

Or maybe that was the alcohol talking—they say, a drunk mind speaks a sober heart.

Did Blair tell her what happened? It wouldn't be surprising, they've been seeing each other more often.

"Why are you quiet? Do you know what I intend to say?"

"I'm too busy at the moment to care what you want to say." He glanced at his empty inbox and lack of invoice. He finished a bit earlier than intended.

"Stop lying, I know you better than that. If you don't want to talk on the phone, I'll come there personally and we'll have a nice sibling chat."

Ameo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, knowing he had no way of arguing with his sister. "Say what you want on the phone."

"That's what I thought. Have you been working from the company lately?"

"And why do you ask?"

"Don't answer question with question."

Another tired sigh left Ameo, and he laid back on the chair. "I have been working at the company."


For the past few weeks, Ameo and Blair didn't talk about that day as if it had never happened, which didn't help Ameo with focusing on his work at home. He had to go back to the company and work from there to avoid Blair and any intruding thoughts surrounding her.

"Tina, I don't know why I need to answer your questions, but this is completely none of your damn business."

"You are working there to avoid Blair, right?"

His jaw ticked at the question given to him. He was avoiding her because he just didn't know how to deal with her or talk to her; her presence distracted him from his work, especially when she came to the study room from time to time, read or have some kind of company.

There were even times when he came near she tensed up like she didn't want him anywhere near her. And him kissing her like he did last night just made things worse. So what was the point of trying to make it work?

"Listen, I didn't have the time, and I needed to leave to focus on work."

"So you're telling me she's a distraction? Have you ever liked her, and that's why you can't concentrate when she's there?"

"I didn't say that."

"Your actions are saying otherwise. You have never had this kind of reaction ever since..." she trailed off, knowing where she was going would be too sensitive for him. "Look Ameo, what I'm trying to say is that she doesn't even know why she is there and the way you're treating her isn't fair. You are already thirty-one years old, act like one and stop confusing that poor girl with your unpredictable behaviours."

"I never said I like her--"

"Keep lying to yourself, Ameo. I hope it helps you sleep at night." And with that, she hung up.

He put down the phone before he faced the ceiling. Ameo knew he couldn't keep anything from his sister for too long. She was just as nosy and persistent as their mother.

A knock on the door disrupted his thoughts, he looked across his office, wondering if the person could just disappear and leave him the hell alone.

The person knocked again.

"Come in."

Phillip entered the room with a document in hand with a stern look on his face.

"What happened?" Ameo grabbed the papers handed to him and flipped through it.

"She has started again and this time she offered 567 million for 15% of the shares."

His blood ran cold, he could hardly breathe with anger rearing its ugly head. This vile woman just couldn't leave him alone, there must be a reason for this.

"Decline that offer."


Stepping out of the vehicle, Ameo headed up to the mansion. It was already close to one in the morning; he wanted to come back earlier to talk to Blair, but of course it didn't happen as he changed his mind halfway.

He entered the mansion and, as usual, greeted with darkness. The workers had gone home or stayed in the guestrooms he stored for them. It was refreshing for Ameo to enter a quiet place; no one talking endlessly or running around in a hurry. He really reconsidered working from home again.

Subconsciously, his mind drifted to Blair. That would mean he had to see her more often, at least she didn't disturb too much, although talkative, but he's able to cope with it, and besides; he doesn't think she would ever want to talk to him after what he did.

Ameo walked down the hallway on the third floor, went past her room, and paused by the door. Under the door, dim light seeped through. Is she still awake?

Thoughtlessly and out of curiosity, the door quietly creaked open as he stepped into the room.

Blair was sound asleep. She was spread across the bed, lying on her back, giving Ameo the full view of her relaxed expression. It was funny how she could sleep so comfortably compared to him, even though this was his own house.

Her hair was scattered in all directions of the bed like a pool of blood, which contrasted her pale skin underneath the dark light and the pure white nightdress she wore that was held by thin straps.

Ameo came closer when he noticed her face change to distress. And soon after, quiet tears rolled from underneath her shut eyelids. She was having a nightmare.

"Please don't. Don't leave me," she said in her slumber. More trails of tears ran down her face. "I'm sorry, please."

Ameo wiped her tears, careful not to wake her up. He wondered what type of nightmare she must have that could make her cry in her sleep.

He continued to caress her wet cheeks, eventually her breathing became even and her face serene. He then glanced down at her lips and remembered how full they were. The more he kissed them, the softer they felt and the more addictive they became.

There was no holding back for him anymore. His desire to taste those only grew. Ameo leaned down before he knew it, he cupped her cheeks and inched closer to her lips until they met.

He watched her brows draw together before, slowly, her eyes fluttered open, staring back at him.

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