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"What does Angelica like?" Ameo asked Philip out of the blue when they were both reviewing documents.

Philip looked at him wide eyed. "All due respect sir, you can't–"

"No, that's not what I meant. Your wife and Blair seem to share similar interests. In theory, anything Angelica likes, there's a possibility that Blair likes it too, correct?"

"Sir, do you have any interest in her–"

"Just answer the question and stop the assumptions."

"Well, isn't it best to just ask Blair what she likes? After all, she herself only knows what she wants."

Ameo thought for a moment. And how was he supposed to do that? She was avoiding him like a plague. He then let out a sigh. "You think so? Are there any other suggestions?"

"Well, sir, you met Blair just a little over a year ago, perhaps by now, she should've told you what she likes."

Ameo was silent after that, mulling over what he should do.

"You can leave. Call Alina for me," he said, finally speaking.

"Take a seat," Ameo said as soon as Alina closed the door. She obediently sat down. "The reason I called you here is that..."

Alina tensed up her shoulders, wondering what he was trying to say.

"I need your help with..."

Alina looked at him, slightly confused, still waiting for him to finish his sentence.

"If... if... um, do you know how to make a woman happy if she's... upset with... someone?"

She was shocked to see this side of Master; he was composed most of the time and did not let his voice reflect his thoughts or emotions.

A scoff accidentally left Alina's lips, she clasped a hand over her mouth the second she realised what she had done. But it was too late, as Ameo was glaring at her.

"Sorry... I didn't mean–"

"Alina what nonsense have you been doing?"

"Well, I– ."

"Do you think I haven't noticed the way you have been looking at Blair?"

Alina shifted nervously in the chair, her eyes downcast.

"Just because something brief happened between us doesn't mean it should affect your behaviour."

Who would have known that Alina and Ameo had multiple sexual encounters. But it abruptly stopped when Blair came into the picture. No one knew that and Ameo made sure of it because to him, it never mattered but to Alina... that was a whole different story.

"Do not make me do something to you. Now get out, your presence has become annoying"

Alina silently stood and walked toward the door, her jaw was clenched tight as tears of anger threatened to come out.

Ameo started to rack his head on things Blair mentioned she wanted. A picture of a moment came to mind. It was when they went on a date she was drunk and said she wanted a cat with black fur and green eyes.

He could give her that cat as a birthday gift. She was 19 years old now, she could handle it.

He grabbed his phone and called Philip to prepare a car in ten minutes.

Ameo headed to the car, not seeing Blair on the way. She must be hiding like she had been doing since the afternoon.

People couldn't help but stare as a massive man entered the pet store, looking at little kittens. It was a sight to see.

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