Career Craze

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Disclaimer- I don't own Trolls or Trollstopia in any way, size, or form. Melody Song, Mal Shredder, Stereo, Twilight Tidepool, McJagger, Buckaroo, and now finally, Sid Scales are my O.C.s and belong to me. Aggie and her family members on her mother's side, her family on her father's side, her cousins, the leaders, and all other MMTs belongs to I.M. Rally. I also do not own the song and the lyrics that I use for this chapter today. Now, let's get to it!

Poppy and Branch: You can do it solo!

Aggie and Trollex: But then you'd be all by yourself.

Stereo and Synth: (Synth: Yo!) So, it'd be more fun to share this one with someone else! (Tiny Diamond: Hit it, daddy!)

Rhythm, Blues, Quincy, Essence: Together, we will soar across the sky and beyond! (Prince D: To the great beyond!)

Holly Darling, Buckaroo, Delta Dawn: So, tune-up your voice!

Val Thundershock, Barb, and Melody Song: Stand up and sing along!

All: All different voices (Tiny Diamond: Everybody now!), our melodies ringing. We're living in harmony! Yeah, we're living in harmony! Our song is much stronger will every troll singing. We're living in harmony!

Career Craze

A little while after returning back to the condo with her friends following the mystery filled train trip to the Dessert Bake-Off contest and winning first prize, Aggie soon came out of the elevator, announcing, "Everyone, I got a great idea I want to share with you all"!

Everyone, who had also been back after spending most of the night helping with cleaning up and repairing the damages, looked up from what they were doing to listen to Aggie, as Sid replied boredly, "What big, "Brilliant" idea have you come up with this time, Aggie"?

Aggie rolled her eyes in response, saying sarcastically, "Appreciate your enthusiasm, Sid," before clearing her throat and saying, "So, as you know, yesterday was pretty, um...hectic with my "driving lesson."

Melody joked, "What could be more hectic than crashing a Funk spaceship into a restaurant, and almost spending time in jail for it"?

Holly then piped in, asking, "Remaand me again how y'all were able ta be let out ov that there jail cell."

Trollex immediately froze, not wanting to say anything about it since none of the Normal Trolls still didn't know how it really happened, as Aggie quickly covered, "Um...m-my parents paid for the, uh, bail. Yeah, they uh, helped bail me out."

Trollex sighed a quiet breath of relief as Demo commented, "Well, that was really nice of them at least," while Synth added, "Yeah, yo, and on the plus side, you didn't get punished for it either."

Aggie shook her head, saying, "I think almost being locked away in that jail cell was punishment enough. Anyways, aside from that, King Quincy and Queen Essence were also generous enough pay my Uncle Vic for the damages of the "accident" last night."

King Quincy spoke up, saying, "It was the least we could do after what had happened," while Essence added, "We wanted to show how sorry we were about last night."

Aggie then addressed, "So, back to the point I was making, the cost was a lot, and in order for us to be able to have more money in case of situations like that, we need to be able to find a way to earn it. So, I was thinking...everyone should have a job"!

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