Ranger Force

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Disclaimer- I do not own Trolls to Trollstopia in any way or form. Melody Song, Mal Shredder, Stereo, Twilight Tidepool, McJagger, and Buckaroo are my O.C.s and belong to me. Aggie belongs to I.M. Rally. I will also be making up a song to use for this chapter today, and I hope you all like it. Now, let's get to it!

Poppy and Branch: You can do it solo!

Aggie and Trollex: But then you'd be all by yourself.

Stereo and Synth: (Synth: Yo!) So, it'd be more fun to share this one with someone else! (Tiny Diamond: Hit it, daddy!)

Rhythm, Blues, Quincy, Essence: Together, we will soar across the sky and beyond! (Prince D: To the great beyond!)

Holly Darling, Buckaroo, Delta Dawn: So, tune-up your voice!

Val Thundershock, Barb, and Melody Song: Stand up and sing along!

All: All different voices (Tiny Diamond: Everybody now!), our melodies ringing. We're living in harmony! Yeah, we're living in harmony! Our song is much stronger will every troll singing. We're living in harmony!

Ranger Force

Tiny Diamond was busy playing with his record player, playing a new mixtape he was busy working on, saying, "Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah! This tune is gonna be off the chain, Tiny's biggest hit since he was born"! The little Glitter Troll bopped his head, enjoying the music he was making until he heard the sound of laughter outside and decided to go see what the buzz was about. He turned off his record player and ran outside, to see what was going on and saw a lot of the Trollings and their parents/guardians exiting a caterbus, and the Trollings were all wearing brown sashes that had colorful patches on them. The sight of this confused Tiny, making him ask, "Hmmmm, I wonder what's going on." He walked over to his buddies: CJ Suki, Priscilla, and Keith saying, "Hey, hey, party people! What's happening"? The trio of kids saw Tiny Diamond coming and came running to him, with CJ Suki exclaiming, "Hey, Tiny! We just got back from our Junior Troll Rangers Day Out, and it was so much fun"! Keith and Priscilla both cheered in agreement before Tiny raised an eyebrow and asked, "Junior Troll Rangers? What's that"? Priscilla explained, "Junior Troll Rangers is a fun little program where kids like us learn about different skills and talents that we practice and develop over time, skills and talents that can be used in everyday like. Like balloon making, improv dancing, and even throwing parties...on the spot." Tiny seemed to be really impressed, saying, "Woah-ho-ho, that sounds dope, yo," before he approached CJ and commented while pointing at her sash, "And what about these sashes with these pins"? CJ Suki showed off her sash while saying, "This is a Junior Troll Ranger sash, and every Ranger wears one, especially the senior Rangers, and every time we master a new skill or talent, we earn these little patches that show we mastered that skill. Like this one that I got today: the Songbird Serenade patch, because I got to teach a Songbird how to tweet a song of a different genre of music"! she then pointed to the new patch, which was a picture of a songbird singing as music notes exited its mouth, as tiny smiled in awe, saying, "Ooh"! Priscilla then showed off her sash, pointing to a pin that looked like a pinata made of leaves, saying, "I got this one for Pinata Construction improvisation, where I made a pinata out of a Flavorberry bush, a hollow log, and mud! It was a bit weird, but I had fun making it"! Keith then said while pointing to a patch on his sash, which had a picture of a confetti popper that was popping confetti at a bullseye, "And I finally got my Confetti Popper Archery patch today"!

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