Truth Revealed

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Chuck came back to tell Rachel everything his father told him. Rachel and Chuck planned to called Diana to meet the two of them at Chuck's penthouse. Diana arrived at Chuck's place and talked to the two of them. Nate and Lola were in Nate's room.

"Are you sure the two of you want to know who tried to kill your father?" Diana asked the two of them.

"Yes, we do want to know, and we have a deal." Chuck said.

"All right then. Mason Nevens. Your father's biggest rival. Your father had paperwork on him that throw him in jail." Diana said. "We have an appointment at the James Suite, Skyline Hotel 3pm. He's willing to give me insider news for money. If someone were to catch him in the act it would be valuable blackmail material."

"Thank you. Pleasure doing business with you" Chuck said shaking Diana's hand and Rachel smiled at Diana.

"Oh, it's my friend from the Times. Hello, darling. You got a tip about me and my business. Hang on." Diana said on her phone.

"The deal is off, and you can forget using my girl's." Diana said. Diana walked away and Rachel and Chuck looked at each other than at Nate and Lola.

Just as Diana exits Serena walks in.

"Lola, what were you thinking?" Rachel said looking pissed at Lola.

"What have you done? You ruined the deal I had with Diana." Chuck said looking pissed at Lola.

"Sorry but we couldn't just let her get away she deceived everyone." Nate said.

"You don't understand how personal that deal was. She was going to help my father... Bart... he's alive."

"Oh my God." Serena gasped.

"So do we really think it was Mason Nevens?" Nate asked.

"We can only find out one way. We need to send two girls to the room like Diana would for the information." Chuck said.

"Ivy and Lola should be able to do the job. Mason Nevens wouldn't know them. I, however, remember my dad telling me that Mason Nevens is bad news." Rachel said looking at Chuck.

"It's settled Lola and Ivy will go to the hotel room." Chuck said.

"Rachel, I need you to help Lola and Ivy get ready." Chuck said.

Rachel, Lola, and Ivy head to the hotel to get ready for the plan. Rachel told them want they need to do, and she told them that Chuck is going to get a picture.

Rachel got on the elevator to head down to Chuck. Rachel saw Andrew Tyler coming in as she was getting off the elevator.

"Chuck, I thought you were taking the photo." Rachel said.

"I am." Chuck said.

"Chuck, I saw your PI go up to the room right now." Rachel said.

"I didn't send Andrew Tyler to take the photo." Chuck said.

Rachel and Chuck went up to the room and they enter the room empty. Rachel got a text from Ivy saying that they are head for the house. Rachel and Chuck arrived before Ivy, Lola, and Andrew Tyler and waited for them to show. Rachel text Ivy back telling them which room to go to. Andrew Tyler, Lola, and Ivy are in the room when Ivy opened the door for Andrew to see the truth for himself.

"Surprise to see me?" Bart asked. Andrew looked confused.

"Leave us." Chuck said.

"Can you explain everything to the three of us?" Rachel asked.

"Bart hired me to look into Nevens. When Nevens found out he threatened me and my family. I turned on Bart Bass and told him when he would be in the car. In exchange I got to live." Andrew explained.

"You almost had my father killed too. Mason Nevens was trying to kill my dad because he was investing in Bass Industries." Rachel said.

"I think that's enough." Chuck said signaling for the cops to take him away.

The cops took Andrew Tyler away and the cops informed the three of them that they arrested Mason Nevens.

"I guess you'll be sticking around." Chuck said giving his father a hug.

"Mr. Bass, it is good to see you back in Chuck's life." Rachel said.

"Thank you, Rachel. You also have been in my son's life for the better." Bart said.

Rachel, Chuck, and Bart Bass walked out of the house and the three of them head back to the Empire. 

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