Goodbye Gossip Girl

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Rachel and her parents head over to the Van Der Woodsen's. Rachel and her parents arrived at the Van Der Woodsen's and got off the elevator.

"Hey R." Blair said.

"Hey. So, what is the plan?" Rachel asked.

"We think Gossip Girl is the same age as us and, in this room, right now. So, I am going send a post to Gossip Girl and Chuck is going to get everyone attention." Serena started.

"When Gossip Girl phone goes off, we will have our answer." Rachel finished.

Chuck went to the front of the room to get everyone attention and Serena sent the post.

"Can I have everyone attention? I would like to thank everyone for coming." Chuck said. Chuck was about to continue, when someone phone went off. It was Jonathan that went off. 

"Jonathan?" Eric and Serena said.

Serena, Jonathan, Eric, and Jenny went upstairs to find out more about Gossip Girl. A few minutes later, Serena came back down and told everyone the truth.

"He's not Gossip Girl. He just hacked into the account over spring break." Serena explained.

"Oh, well. I guess we have to wait and see tonight." Blair said.

"We can expose Gossip Girl at my party tonight." Nate said.

Rachel and her parents left the party and head home. 

Later that night, Rachel was getting ready for Nate's party. Rachel decided to wear the dress that Chuck loves on her. Rachel got into the limo and head over to Nate's party. Rachel arrived at Nate's party and started looking for Chuck.

"Rachel. I need to talk to you. It's about Gossip Girl. Gossip Girl knows." Jenny said.

"Jenny, can this wait. I am looking for Chuck." Rachel said.

"It's about Chuck. Gossip Girl knows that you slept with his uncle, Jack Bass." Jenny said.

"Jenny, you cannot tell anyone including Chuck." Rachel said.

Rachel was about to walk away when her phone went off with another Gossip Girl blast.

Serena Van Der Woodsen just couldn't leave well enough alone. Since she had to find out the truth about me, I'm going to tell you the truth about everyone. Every gossip bombs I've got is about to drop, and if you've got a problem with it take it up with her.

Ever wonder why Ms. Carr left town. A little bee told me Dan Humphrey had sex with her.....

Apparently over Christmas break Rachel Lockwood slept with Chuck's uncle and didn't tell him about it. While Chuck Bass kept it in Brooklyn....

Rachel looked up from her phone horrified.

"You slept with Jack and didn't tell me about it." Chuck said looking pissed at Rachel.

"I didn't tell you, because I regret sleeping with him. It made me realize I wanted to be with you." Rachel said looking upset.

"You did it to rub it in my face." Chuck said.

"Hey this is what she wants. To create a divide amongst us" Serena said.

"You know what I think you created the divide," Chuck shouted storming off to a room.

"This is your fault, Serena. You just had to know who Gossip Girl was. Because of you, everyone knows my darkest secret." Rachel said pissed off at Serena.

Rachel left to go find Chuck in one of the rooms. Rachel found Chuck in the room and closed the door right behind her.

"I am not mad about the Vanessa thing. I just want to talk about my feelings for you." Rachel said looking at Chuck.

"Leave me alone, please." Chuck said.

"I know you are mad at me for the Jack thing. But can you look past that." Rachel said.

"I can't." Chuck said.

"Chuck, I love you and I want to move past this. Do you love me?" Rachel asked.

"I did love you, but not anymore." Chuck said before leaving the room. Rachel started crying.

Rachel decided to leave the party and she was going to head home. Rachel got a text saying come to the Oak Room. Rachel arrived at the Oak Room with everyone else and everyone in the room got a Gossip Girl blast saying she was coming along with them to college.

"Drinks on me." Serena said. Everyone was there but not Chuck.

"Hey, R. I am so sorry about the Gossip girl blast. You were right about me wanting to find her." Serena said. Serena and Blair were sitting right by Rachel. Both of them saw her face and they know she was crying. They asked her what happened.

"I told Chuck, I love him. He told me, he didn't love me anymore." Rachel said.

Serena and Blair gave Rachel a hug.

A week later

Rachel and Blair were over at Serena's to help her pack for her trip. Rachel decided to stay in New York for the summer. Blair was going to the Hamptons for the summer. 

"I can't believe, I will be the only one of us here in New York for the summer." Rachel said.

"R, you could always join me on my trip or Blair's trip." Serena said.

"No. I think it will be better to stay in the city." Rachel said.

"R, have you heard from Chuck since Nate's party?" Blair asked.

"No. But Gossip Girl posted every location Chuck visited the past week." Rachel said.

Serena and Blair decided to drop the topic before Rachel gets upset more. After Rachel and Blair finished Serena packing, the two of them left. Blair head to meet Jenny at a restaurant that other mean girls were at. Rachel got into the limo to take her back to her place. When Rachel arrived, Chuck was in front of his limo with gifts in his hands.

"I thought you were in Europe." Rachel said.

"I came back to give you the gifts. Paris to get your favorite Macaroons and the Chanel perfume. Italy, to get the new Italian leather boots. London, to get your favorite designer new dress." Chuck said.

"Why are you here?" Rachel asked.

"Because Gossip Girl is right about me. I am a coward. Everywhere I went, I just kept see you there. I just had to come back to you." Chuck said.

"I want to believe you this time. But I can't. You hurt me to many times, Chuck." Rachel said.

"You can believe this time." Chuck said. 

Chuck and Rachel stared into each other eyes.

"I love you, Rachel." Chuck said. Rachel and Chuck started kissing.

"I am going to stay in New York for the summer with you." Chuck said looking at Rachel.

Rachel was happy to have Chuck back in her life and Chuck love her so much.

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