Christmas in Monaco

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Chuck and Rachel arrived at the hotel in Monaco. Chuck's father was waiting for them. Bart Bass was going to have lunch with them. Bart was heading back to New York the next day. Chuck informed his father that Rachel was coming. Bart told Rachel's father about the trip, and he was happy for her. 

"Rachel, good to see you here with Chuck." Bart said.

"Thank you, Mr. Bass." Rachel said.

"Rachel call me Bart. Are the two of you officially dating?" Bart asked. 

"Yes. We are couple now." Chuck said. 

Rachel and Chuck have been dating since the debutante ball. Bart was happy to hear the news about the two of them. Couple days later, Chuck and Rachel were relaxing by the pool. They were drinking cocktails and talking.

"Are you going to tell me about your secret now?" Chuck asked.

"Okay. Over the summer, I met Carter in a bar in Upstate New York. We went to a party together in Upstate New York. I was ready to leave the party and Carter was not. Carter gave me his keys to his car, and I drove his car when I was still drunk. I lost control and wrecked the car. I was in the hospital for a week and in a recovery center for the rest of the summer. Carter was pissed with me and was trying to get a hold of me. I was avoiding him. I agree to play one poker game with him." Rachel said to Chuck.

"That's why you were at the poker game and owe Carter $20,000." Chuck said.

"Yes. Now your turn." 

"Nate knew Blair was see someone else and I told him, I saw Carter leave Blair's place again."

"You are a good friend."

"Yes, he is." Nate said. 

Rachel was surprised to see Nate there. Chuck invited Nate to come, and Nate agree to come. Nate informed both Chuck and Rachel that Blair couldn't get hold of either of them. Chuck walked Rachel backed to her room. Rachel asked Chuck to come into her room. Rachel and Chuck were drunk, when they decided to sleep together. Chuck and Rachel had sex together for the first time.

Rachel had a great time on the trip with Chuck.

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