Choosing Bridesmaids

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Rachel had already asked Blair to be her maid of honor, Serena bridesmaid 2, and Kate bridesmaid 3. Rachel needs three more bridesmaids for the wedding, and she asked Penelope, Kati, and Jessica to come to her place. She needs one more girl to be part of the contest and Charlie walked in.

"Charlie, you are cousins with Serena. She is bridesmaid 2 and you would be perfect to be a part of this contest." Rachel said.

"I would be honor to join the contest." Charlie said.

"Has you all known. I have three more bridesmaid's spots opened. Blair is the maid of honor; Serena is bridesmaid 2, my cousin Kate is bridesmaid 3." Rachel said.

"What do we have to do?" Penelope asked.

"You would come with me to get a couple test done at a different location. Dorota is helping with all this. Blair gave me the okay to use Dorota. Dorota, can you give the girls the paperwork?" Rachel said.

"Yes, Ms. Rachel." Dorota said.

"Ladies, we are leaving to go to the location now." Rachel said.

They left to the location for the test. Earlier in the day, she asked Louis to let her do some test to pick her three other bridesmaids. He gave her the okay to do it and he said they will go to the Spectator party tonight. Rachel and the girls arrived at the location in for the test.

"Welcome to the test, ladies. To be in the bridal party for the wedding, you would need to be finished a couple rounds." Rachel said.

"First round, you and your partner will help the bride get ready and help her the whole night. Kati and Charlie are first partners and Penelope, and Jessica are second partners." Rachel said.

"Ladies, start." Rachel said.

"Charlie and Kati, help put the veil on, and she needs to hold her dress up, help with that." Rachel said.

"Help her with the dress." Charlie said.

"Penelope and Jessica. She needs to pee. Dorota time to test them with paparazzi." Rachel said.

"Who is Ms. Lockwood wearing? Where is the location of the reception?" Dorota asked.

"We can't tell you." Jessica said.

"We don't know." Penelope said.

"Nice one, Jessica. Hide the baby bump." Rachel said.

"What baby bump?" Jessica said.

"Hiding." Penelope said.

"Round two, you will need to drop off your flowers to Dorota and pick up a glass of champagne without spilling any of it. Fastest times will move on two the final round. Go." Rachel said.

Charlie was the first girl to finished, then Penelope, then Jessica and Kati fall to ground. Rachel told the girls that they are heading back to her place's. The girls sit down on the couch and Rachel told Charlie, Penelope, and Jessica are moving on to the final round. Rachel told Kati that she is on standby to be one of the bridesmaids. Rachel also told Kati is invited to come to the Spectator party tonight. 

"The final round is kissing Nate Archibald at the Spectator party tonight." Rachel said.

The girls left to get ready, and Louis arrived to get ready with Rachel for the party. Rachel and Louis left for the party, and they arrived at the party. Louis saw Penelope and Jessica coming into the party and look over at Rachel.

"What? I need to test them one more time." Rachel said.

They walk upstairs and enjoy the party with everyone. Rachel was walking around to watch Penelope, Jessica, and Charlie with Nate. Jessica is walking with Nate, when Charlie pulling on her strap on her dress. Jessica run off holding her dress up. Rachel texted Jessica informing her that she is bridesmaid 6. Rachel walking around with Louis when Charlie told Penelope to go for it with Nate. Penelope walks over to Nate and tried to kiss him but instead fall into a waiter. 

"Penelope, what did I say about flirting with the waiters." Rachel said.

"What? I can't help it if she is flirting with a waiter." Rachel said to Louis.

Penelope walked away and Rachel texted Penelope informing her that she is bridesmaid 5. Diana asked for everyone attention to make a speech. Charlie asked Nate if he would want to make the girl jealous by kissing. Nate agreed to it and Charlie and Nate kissed. Rachel turned to see Charlie kissing Nate. Rachel texted Charlie informing her that she is bridesmaid 4.

Diana asked if anyone had a story for the Spectator and Chuck had story about his therapist and Louis talking about Chuck. Rachel could not believe it and she told Louis that she needs to be alone.

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