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It was two days before prom, and Rachel, Serena, and Blair were going dress shopping. Serena and Blair found the perfect dress for them. Rachel perfect dress was not in the dress shop.

"Blair, let me see your dress." Rachel said.

"Okay. Are you both ready to see the dress? Blair asked.

"Yes." Serena and Rachel said.

Blair came out in a black strapless dress with a gold belt. Serena and Rachel love the dress on Blair. It was Serena turn to try on her dress and a few minutes later Serena came out. Serena dress was an off the shoulder light pink dress. Blair and Rachel love the dress on Serena. Serena and Blair helped look for a dress for Rachel.

"R, what is your perfect dress?" Blair asked.

"B, my perfect dress is a light blue ball gown dress with jewel on top line." Rachel said.

Blair and Serena could not find Rachel's perfect dress, but they found a light blue dress for her to wear to prom. After dress shopping, Rachel head home with the dress. Rachel arrived home to see Chuck greeting her by the elevator.

"Chuck, what are you doing here?" Rachel asked.

"I came to ask you something." Chuck said.


"I know prom is in two days. Will you go to the prom with me?" Chuck asked.

"Yes." Rachel said before giving Chuck a kiss.

"I have something for you. Open the gift." Chuck said.

Rachel opened the gift, and it was her perfect dress. Rachel wanted to know how Chuck knew her perfect dress.

"Your parents showed me the perfect prom scrapbook to me a month ago. Dinner at Butter, the dress, a red rose for your date, a white limo, being queen of the prom, and a room at the Palace." Chuck said.


"I took care of everything. I was informed that this year will be a prom king and queen." Chuck said.

"Blair, Nate, Nelly, Nelly's date, you, and me are in the running for the prom king and queen." Chuck said.

"Chuck, you are wonderful." Rachel said.

Chuck said goodbye to Rachel and left Rachel's place. Rachel went to bed.

It was the night of the prom and Rachel was getting ready for the prom. Rachel asked her maid to help her get into the dress. Rachel head downstairs to see Chuck waiting for her in a tux with a red rose on his tux.

"Rachel, you look beautiful." Chuck said kissing Rachel on the cheek.

"Chuck, thank you for everything." Rachel said.

Chuck and Rachel head down to the white limo. The two of them head to butter for dinner and they had a wonderful dinner. They headed to the prom in the white limo. They arrived at the prom and head inside. They walk inside to see Blair, Serena, Nate, and Dan already dancing. Blair and Serena saw Rachel in her perfect dress, and they head over to her.

"R, you look amazing. Who got you the dress?" Blair asked.

"B, it was Chuck. He saw my perfect prom scrapbook." Rachel said.

"The one you showed us when we were little girls." Serena said.

"That one. We had dinner at Butter, came to prom in a white limo, the red rose on Chuck tux, being prom queen, a room at the Palace." Rachel said.

Blair and Serena went back to their dates and Chuck came over to her. Penelope and the other girls came over to the two of them.

"Hey Rachel, ballot to vote for prom queen and king." Penelope said.

"Rachel, everyone is voting for you and not Blair. We planned to have rigged it, so Nelly can win over Blair." Is said.

"But Chuck told us to put your name on the ballot with his name. Everyone told us they are voting for you, because they thought you deserve the crown." Nelly said.

"Rachel, the four of us are voting for you." Hazel said.

"Penelope, Is, Nelly, Hazel, and Chuck thank you." Rachel said.

Rachel and Chuck voted for themselves, and the two of them head to the dance floor to dance. Penelope and another girl went on stage to announce the prom king and queen.

"Can I have everyone attention, please?" Penelope said. Everyone turned to hear who the prom king and queen is.

"It is time to announce this year prom king and queen." Penelope begins.

"This year prom king and queen are.... Rachel Lockwood and Chuck Bass." Penelope said.

Rachel looked over at Chuck, and the two of them head up to the stage for Rachel to get the crown on. The crown was silver, and it went perfect with the dress. They head back down to the dance floor and dance in front of everyone. After the dance, Blair and Serena came over to talked to her.

"Congratulations, R. I voted for you." Serena said.

"I would have voted for myself, but I voted for you instead." Blair said.

"Thank you, S and B." Rachel said.

"I think me, and Chuck are going to leave soon. Can two of you come over tomorrow?" Rachel asked. Serena and Blair agreed to come over tomorrow.

"Rachel, are you ready to go?" Chuck asked.

"Yes. I am ready to go." Rachel said.

The two of them left the prom in the white limo and head over to the palace. They arrived at the Palace and head up to the room. Rachel and Chuck started kissing when they got into the room. Rachel and Chuck slept together again. Rachel woke up the next morning right next to Chuck. Chuck and Rachel got dress and Chuck took Rachel home. Rachel had a great time at the prom with Chuck.

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