A witness to a crime

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Rachel woke in a room that was unfamiliar to her. She looked around for her clothes and was trying to understand what happened last night. Georgina came out of the bathroom.

"Good afternoon. Should I order room service? Breakfast for lunch? Georgina asked.

"What the hell, Georgina! I was drinking soda." Rachel said.

"Yeah, until we switched to Patron. We had the best night ever." Georgina said.

"No, not okay. Georgina, I told you I changed." Rachel yelled.

"From what I saw last night. I would say otherwise.... but fine if you don't want to live this lifestyle then go." Georgina shouted.

"Stay out of my life." Rachel yelled before leaving the room.

Rachel got into the taxi and called Chuck to have someone take the SAT for her. Rachel head home and hopped in a nice warm bath. Rachel looked in her bag for a mint when she found the usb drive that Georgina put in her bag. 

It was a video of the night that Rachel was trying to forget. Rachel couldn't finish the video, she needed to get out of there. Rachel saw the bag of coke she still had and decided to get high. Rachel head to the bar, after drinking a lot, Rachel decided to head to Blair's place.

"Blair" Rachel said crying.

"Rachel? It's late what are you doing here?" Blair asked coming downstairs unaware of Rachel's appearance.

"R? What happened?"

"I should go. I can't tell you." Rachel slurred.

"Come on Rachel you're like my sister. You can tell me anything."

"I can't. Because if I tell you then you're a witness to a crime." Rachel said. Blair had a concerned look on her face.

"I'll go get water and we can talk about this." Blair said running off towards the kitchen. Rachel took the chance to leave.

Rachel went to another bar. 

The next morning Rachel was still buzz and hungover when she got in the elevator at Blair's place. Blair asked what she took, but Rachel just groaned and moaned every time she sees a light or feels sicked.

Blair hoped that Chuck, Nate, and Serena were already there.

"Is this just a game to get us in the same room or is someone in trouble?" Nate asked annoyed as Blair exited the elevator.

"I meant it when I said I need your help. Rachel needs your help." Blair cried out.

Nate and Chuck help Rachel out of the elevator and up to Blair's room. Serena grabbed Rachel's bag and jacket out of the elevator and took them to Blair's room. Blair and Serena help Rachel get her clothes off and take a shower. Rachel told Blair the water was cold. Chuck brought everything to help with a hangover.

Nate asked Blair what happened to Rachel and Blair told them everything that happened last night. Chuck was really worried about her, and asked Blair what she said, but Blair told him it does not matter. Blair said we need to be there for her. Dan came by to see Serena, but Serena informed Dan that she needs to be there for Rachel. Dan completely understands and left.

After the shower and eating, Rachel sits down to finally tell them truth. But Rachel was still scared to tell them.

"So, what did happen last night?" Nate asked. Rachel started to get nervous again.

"I can't tell you guys." Rachel said.

"Oh, come on. You don't need to be embarrassed. We all have shared our secrets. Hell, I slept with Serena while dating Blair." Nate said.

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