Engagement Party

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Blair informed her parents about her best friend engagement. Blair's mother, stepfather, and father came to town. Blair informed Rachel and Louis that her parents are throwing them an engagement party. Rachel's parents came back to town for her engagement. Rachel informed Louis about what happened after they got engaged. Rachel asked Blair and Serena to meet her for breakfast.

"R, what are we doing here?" Serena asked.

"S and B, I have an important question to ask the two of you." Rachel said.

"Okay." Blair said.

"First. Blair, will you be my maid of honor?" Rachel asked.

"Oh my God, R. Yes, I will be your maid of honor." Blair said.

"Serena, will you be one of my bridesmaids?" Rachel asked.

"Yes. R, thank you for asking me." Serena said.

"Let's talk about the guest list for the engagement party." Rachel said.

"My family is coming, Lily and Rufus are not coming, but they send their love. Dan is coming and Nate is coming. Your parents are coming, and Louis family are coming. Chuck has not been invited." Blair said.

"Blair, tell your parents that I say thank you for throwing my engagement party. Louis and I going to the alumni party at our old school after the engagement party." Rachel said.

"Look at the time, I need to get everything ready for your party." Blair said.

Serena and Blair left to get the party ready for their best friend. Rachel head home to get ready for her engagement party. Rachel was ready and Louis came to pick her up for the party.

"You look beautiful, darling." Louis said kissing Rachel's cheek.

"Rachel, I can't wait to meet your family and your friends." Sophie said.

"Princess Sophie, I just want to inform you of Blair's family are hosting the party and Blair's stepfather is a hugger." Rachel said.

"Rachel, thank you for informing me." Sophie said.

The three of them arrived at Blair's place and they took the elevator up. The elevator door opened and the three of them step out of it to everyone applauding to the happy couple. Eleanor and Cyrus greeted Princess Sophie and Louis and Cyrus hugged Sophie and Louis.

"Princess Sophie and Louis meet my parents, Victoria and John Lockwood." Rachel said.

"Princess Sophie and Louis, it's great to finally meet you." Victoria said.

"Louis, you made my daughter so happy." John said.

"Your daughter made me the happiest man in the world by loving me." Louis said.

Rachel and Louis greeted another guest, and they grab champagne when they heard her father tell everyone to rise their glass for the happy couple. Everyone enjoyed the party before heading to the alumni party at her old school. Rachel, Louis, and Princess Sophie left to go to the other party. 

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