Fashion Show Disaster

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Rachel, Serena, and Poppy have been attending events together. Poppy and Nicholas met at one of the events that Rachel was attending. It's fashion week and Blair, Serena, and Rachel every year are backstage at Blair's mother fashion show watching it. 

Rachel head to school, and when she arrived the minions pointed out that Serena and Rachel were in the paper with Poppy. The minions were going to Blair's mother fashion show. Rachel, Serena, Blair been having problems since the Gossip Girl blast. Lily invited Poppy and Rachel to dinner that night.

"Serena, your mother invited me to have dinner with you, her, and Poppy." Rachel said.

"Yes, it was my mother idea." Serena said.

"So, I will see you tonight." Rachel said before heading to class.

Later that night, Rachel arrived at Van Der Woodsen's penthouse for dinner. She gave Lily, Serena, and Poppy a hug. The four of them sits down for dinner, when Rachel got a texted from Nicholas saying he was invited to Blair's mother fashion show. Rachel informed all three of them that Nicholas is coming to the fashion show. 

"So, mom. Poppy informed me that her manager got a called from Blair's mother. She said that you agreed that me, Poppy, Rachel, Nicholas, and all her friends are sitting front row at the show." Serena said. Rachel looked surprised by what Serena said.

"Yes, I did. Agree to it." Lily said.

"Mom, you know it is tradition for me, Rachel, and Blair to watch the show backstage. Blair will be pissed at me and Rachel for this." Serena said.

"She is kind of pissed with us already. We don't want to make it worst." Rachel said.

"I have a great idea. The three of us sit front row at the show and then you two invite Blair to the Marc Jacobs after party. I have extra passes and Rachel invite Nicholas too." Poppy said.

"Okay." Serena and Rachel said.

Lily excused herself from the table to answer a call. Rachel, Serena, and Poppy chatted the rest of the night. Rachel texted Nicholas to tell him Poppy invited him to the Marc Jacobs after party. Nicholas said he was coming with her.

The next day was the fashion show and Serena and Rachel tried to invite Blair to the after party, but they ended up fighting. Rachel and Serena informed Blair that they are attending and sitting front row. 

Later that night, Serena, Rachel, Nicholas, and Poppy arrived at the fashion show. They head to the front row and Serena and Rachel saw that their friends and Nicholas are in the front row, but the two of them are not. Jenny came over to fix the problem, but Blair said there is no problem to fix. Eleanor came over to see what the problem was, and Eleanor had someone fix the problem.

Rachel, Serena, Poppy, and Nicholas sit down in their seats for the show. Blair was backstage and said to the model's that they were no longer need. Jenny and Laurel came backstage to see all the models were gone and Jenny had an idea. Jenny pointed at Serena, Rachel, Poppy, and her friends to Laurel to see. 

"Hey, Serena, Rachel, Poppy and friends can you come backstage with me?" Jenny asked.

"Jenny, what's going on?" Rachel asked.

"We lost the models and you guys are our new models." Jenny said.

All the girls agreed to it and Rachel kissed Nicholas before heading backstage.

"What do you mean we lost the models?" Eleanor said looking angry.

"Don't worry, Eleanor. Jenny fixes the problem with the model." Laurel said looking at Serena and Rachel. 

"We will be on the front page of the paper. It will say Serena, Rachel and friends save Eleanor Waldorf fashion show." Laurel said.

The fashion show started, and girls hit the runway. Poppy was before Serena and Serena was before Rachel. Rachel was closing out the show girl and Blair hand her the dress she was going to wear. Rachel walked out on the runway getting applaud and cheer at. Jenny was looking for Rachel, when she saw her on the runway is in the dress she designed to wear after the show. Eleanor came over to see that Rachel was not wearing her dress, but Jenny's instead. After the show, Jenny informed Serena and Rachel what happened. Rachel and Serena were pissed at Blair that they left to go to the Marc Jacobs after party with everyone else.  

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