Kill or be Killed

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Chuck and his mother been spending time together the past few weeks. Rachel barely seen him and the two of them are going Nate's Birthday party together. Chuck asked Rachel to meet him at the palace.

"Chuck, what happened? Why are you here at the Palace and not the Empire?" Rachel asked.

"I had my mother signed the papers to own the Empire for me. Then she signed them over to Jack. Jack kicked me out of the Empire, and I am staying here." Chuck said.

"Chuck, I am so sorry." Rachel said.

"I have to go meet Jack to get my hotel back." Chuck said.

"Okay. I am going shopping for Nate's birthday. I need new gloves anyway. I love you." Rachel said.

Chuck kissed Rachel goodbye and Rachel went shopping. Rachel was at a shop, looking for gloves, when Chuck informed her Jack is never giving the Empire back to him in a text.

The next day, Chuck and Rachel head over to Nate's birthday party. They arrived at the party and Serena greeted them and took their picture for the game.

"R, thanks for coming and have you or Chuck seen Nate?" Serena asked

Both Chuck and Rachel said no to Serena. Chuck told Rachel he is getting a drink. Everyone said surprise to Nate, when Nate walk in with Jenny. Serena took Jenny and Nate pictures, then explained the game to everyone. Chuck was not in the mood to play the game. He told Rachel to play without him.

Rachel got downstairs, when she saw Jack in the lobby. Everyone was outside playing the game.

"Chuck told me, the two of you were coming here." Jack said.

"I know you want to help Chuck get his hotel back." Jack said.

"Yes. I do. What do you have in mind?" Rachel asked.

"You sleep with me, and I will sign the contract to give Chuck hotel back to him." Jack said.

"If it will give Chuck hotel back to him. I will do it for Chuck." Rachel said.

"Come the contract is in the limo." Jack said.

Rachel left her picture in the lobby for someone to take for the game. The two of them went into the limo together and started to head back to the Empire.

"Before, I sleep with you. You sign the contract right now." Rachel said.

"Done." Jack said.

"Now to get the party started." Jack said.

Jack kiss Rachel on the lips and then stopped.

"What are you doing? We had a deal." Rachel said.

"Yes, and the deal is done." Jack said.

"That's it? That's all you wanted?" Rachel asked looking surprised.

"On contrary's belief I like to have sex with women who want to. Plus, this was Chuck's idea. I got you and he got the hotel."

"Chuck would never."

"He told me how to lure you in the limo. Told me you wouldn't resist helping him. You, Rachel, are the weakness to Chuck Bass. I knew if I wanted to destroy him, I need to destroy the relationship you two share. I guess you could say I was successful."

The limo dropped Rachel back at Nate's party. Chuck was in the lobby waiting for her.

"Back so soon?"

"Tell me Jack was lying." Rachel said crying.

"You betrayed me" Chuck said angrily.

"You set me up. You know I would do anything for you to be successful and happy. Hell, we haven't seen each other for weeks and I still went to save your ass. You know why? Because I care for you, and I love you." Rachel shouted.

"I can't let my feelings cost me all that I've built. I've learned that the past two days." Chuck said with slight vengeance in his voice.

"Even if that means losing me?"

"You said you would stand by me through anything." Chuck quoted.

"I can't stand by you after this."

"You went in that limo on your own." Chuck commented. Rachel slapped Chuck in the face.

"Don't ever speak to me ever again." Rachel said before heading back upstairs to the party. 

Rachel came upstairs and Blair and Serena saw her. The two of them came over to her.

"R, what happened?" Serena asked.

"S, can't talk to you about it. Do you think Lily will let me stay with them for a little while?" Rachel asked.

"R, let me ask." Serena said.

Serena called her mom and asked her about it. Serena came back over to Rachel and told her that her mother is letting her stay. Rachel thanked Serena and she asked Blair to go to the Empire to pack her bags for her. Blair agreed to do it for her. Rachel head over to Lily's place.

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