Chapter 10: Wilderness and Bees.

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Tommy's POV

Tommy had been walking for hours. The only thing he had accomplished was being lost in this stupid forest. Tommy was starting to get a headache and his body was sore from the nonstop walking. He also didn't have any water, so his throat was dry and sore. To add onto all his problems, Tommy began to feel the hunger set in. Tommy thought he was okay with the hunger though because he was use to it in the alley. Little did Tommy know that he was not use to the hunger because he had 3 meals a day for the past 8 days. Not to mention Wilbur gave him a guaranteed breakfast before he got kidnapped.

I am so fucking tired of all the walking! I need a break. If I take a break... They can catch me. Maybe I need a hiding spot? Yea... yea! That can work! I look around and find a high tree that I can climb. I begin to climb, but I get caught on a branch. I manage to get unstuck, but my jacket is ripped. I actually liked this jacket. Thankfully I get up so my ripped jacket isn't for nothing. I smile as I drift off into a well-deserved sleep.

I immediately wake up after I hear a branch snap. I look down to see a kid with goat horns and tail playing with bees on a flat grass area up ahead. He doesn't seem threatening and the goat horns, ears, and tail are probably fake. If not, it won't be the scariest thing I have seen all month. I decide to climb down as my stomach craves food. My throat feels like a fucking desert. Maybe I can ask the kid for water? I walk over to the kid and observe that he has a bee shirt, overalls, and bee shoes with matching bee socks on. He also has two bee clips in his hair. It looks cute (In a platonic way)

"H-hi!" I say. The kid that looks to be around my age gets startled. Then he grins.

"Hello! I'm Tubbo! What's your name?" He seems friendly. Though... Why is he out in the forest?

"I'm Tommy. Why are you out in the forest?" The kid smiles.

"Oh! I live around here! I am playing with my bee friends as big brother Dream is out for food. What about you?"

"I'm running away from some fucking vampires that are chasing me." He looks at me.

"Why are they chasing you?" Can I trust this guy? I mean it's not like I will ever see him again after this.

"Oh, just something about me being a perfect fit. They're fucking weird. I'm running away so I don't become one of those awful bloodsuckers." 


"Also uh- do you have any water? I'm really thirsty."

"Oh of course! Maybe you can stay at my place for a bit to hide out from these terrible bloodsuckers? My dad and aunt wouldn't care. My big brother- well more of a cousin wouldn't mind either. So are you coming?" This Tubbo guy seems nice enough.

"I would love to."

Tubbo's POV

Tubbo was playing with his bees in his favorite spot in the forest. Dream was looking for Techno's new little brother, so Tubbo only had the bees to play with. Not to mention Schlatt, his dad/coven leader was at a vampire bar while Puffy, her aunt/mother figure was visiting with Phil. Tubbo stopped playing when heard rustling in the bushes that followed with an out of breath voice.

"H-hi!" I turn around to see a dirty blonde boy with cuts all over him. He also has all his clothes torn and ripped up. Yay a new playmate! He seems like a human though. I can always dispose of him once I have no need for him.

"Hello! I'm Tubbo! What's your name?" 

"I'm Tommy. Why are you out in the forest?" Wait isn't that the kid Dream was talking about?

"Oh! I live around here! I am playing with my bee friends as big brother Dream is out for food. What about you?" I have to be careful with my wording so he isn't scared off since I am a vampire.

"I'm running away from some fucking vampires that are chasing me." I think I just found the SBI's newest coven member. This has to be the same Tommy.

"Why are they chasing you?" 

"Oh, just something about me being a perfect fit. They're fucking weird. I'm running away so I don't become one of those awful bloodsuckers." I need to get the kid back to the SBI.


"Also uh- do you have any water? I'm really thirsty." Perfect.

"Oh of course! Maybe you can stay at my place for a bit to hide out from these terrible bloodsuckers? My dad and aunt wouldn't care. My big brother- well more of a cousin wouldn't mind either. So are you coming?" 

"I would love to." I grin.

"Come on!" I say, grabbing his wrist. I run with him to our big cottage.  I lead him inside and grab him some spring water. 

"Thank you bee boy."

"Bee boy?"

"Ya you are a boy that plays with bees." I kind of like that nickname.

"Okay Big Man." Tommy just grins. Soon Puffy and Dream come home and they quickly change their eyes as they see Tommy.

"Tubbo who is this?" Puffy asks.

"This is Tommy! I met him in the woods." I grin. They quickly understand who he is because Dream rushes upstairs. Most likely to call the SBI. 

Don't worry Tommy. We'll be able to play together for eternity!


End of this Chapter hope you guys enjoyed! I will post a character list after I make it. I just finished making this chapter and I need to get that stuff around. Have a good day!

Word Count: 959

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