Chapter 13

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13 | Where Is Soobin?

Two days. Its been two days since the whole family reunion incident. Two days since Soobin whispered into Yeonna's ears. Two days since they've been hanging around each other and leaving each other's room late at night and it has been eleven hours, fifty five minutes and two seconds since they left this morning around Seven thirty.

But Soobin never wakes up at Seven thirty, No. He wakes up at exactly nine o'clock when the morning sun peeps through his window and disturbs his morning sleep. Then he grumbles and tries to continue his sleep but it doesn't work and is still disturbed by the morning sun. Then he'll try to close the curtains and when the room is not to bright he'll lay down and try to fall asleep, then Beomgyu walks into the room and pulls him out of bed.

How do I know all this? because its almost the same as me but instead of trying to fall back asleep after closing the curtains, I sit on the bed and wait for my fate to walk through the door, Beomgyu. He'll just drag me out the door while mumbling how I and Soobin are literally the same people.

Also, I kinda maybe watched Soobin really closely for the first few days in his first month with us. I didn't mean to be creepy, I just didn't trust that bunny smile of his, It was too cute to be true. Then I had to stop because Beomgyu said I was acting lie a creepy pedo, sometimes I wonder who the boss Is around here, me or Beomgyu.

Now back to Soobin leaving the house. He had left his romm and come down to eat breakfast before going over to Yeonna's room and knocking on her door. When she had calm out, they whispered something to each other before Yeonna walked back into her room and Soobin went to his.

After what felt like hours, He came back out dressed in all black and damn, this boy can look good in everything but lets not talk about how good he looked in a loose big black shirt with a black long-sleeve under, black ripped jeans that showed his beau- i mean thighs, decorated with a chain hanging from one pocket loop to the other and he paired it up with some black combat boots. He wore a black face cap and before locking his room, he shoved a black mask down his pockets.

Then he walked back to Yeonna's room and knocked on it before standing at the side. After some minutes, she had come out dressed in all black too. It was black leggings with a black long button up shirt that topped midthigh, a black belt with a gold buckle to keep the shirt in place around her chest, black wedged boots and a scarf and a pair of black shaded sunglasses. Sus, I know.

Then they walked downstairs and through the back door they walked out of the house and into the garage where the entered a slick black with heavily tinted windows and drove away. It was now Seven fifteen when Soobin and a very happen Yeonna walked into the house.

 Yeonjun and Taehyun were in the living room watching a movie, well Taehyun was, Yeonjun was just staring at the Tv, his mind elsewhere. Then they walked in, Yeonjun stood up and marched to them, Taehyun not giving a fuck.

He walked in front of them and stared at them, not speaking just staring. Soobin and Yeonna looked at him before making eye contact with each other and back at Yeonjun.

"Where the fuck have you two been?" Yeonjun asked, trying not to sound to annoyed. "You've been gone since seven in the damn morning"

"We went to see him" Yeonna said with a bright smile on her face.

"What? why?" Yeonjun asked. "What if you got hurt or something?"

"There's nothing to worry about, it all went great. Good night you guys" She said and gave him a hug before happily skipping away. Yeonjun watched her skip away with a confused expression before turning back to Soobin with his arms crossed and a glare.

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