Osamu Miya ending

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You had spent the night at the Miya twins house, and woke up to find that the room was empty. Atsumu left a note saying that he was going out with friends, although there wasn't a note from the other twin.

After a few stretches and groans, you got up out of bed, and the kitchen, finding Osamu cooking away. You gave him a hug from behind, shocking him a little,

He kept cooking,
"Mornin'. Breakfast'll be done soon, go sit down and I'll bring it over,"

You nodded and took a seat at the table, hungrily awaiting your meal.

'I could get used to this...'

Soon the gray hair twin walked in, with large plates of food on both of his hands. He set them down on the table, and walked off, making you realize there was more.

Soon there was a feast of food on the table, and your eyes shone brightly at the gorgeous food. You kept your mouth shut in fear of inhaling all of the food, and felt your stomach rumble tirelessly.

Soon the soon to be chef was sitting down in front of you with a smirk.

"Well? What're ya waitin for?"

"Thanks for the food!"

You started rationing out the food onto your plate, and after you had a good sized portion on there, you went to town on that food. With each bite you could feel your life extending, and you felt like this is what paradise truly is.

"This is the best breakfast I've ever had! Bravo Osamu!"


You took another bite,
"I really mean it! You'd make an amazing chef, I'd eat at your restaurant every day!"

He smiled as he also ate the feast he created,
"Means a lot comin from you,"

You smiled in response, your cheeks full of food, reminding him of a chipmunk, making him fall even harder for you.

Soon you were stuffed, and felt like you couldn't possibly eat another bite of food.

"Whew! That was definitely a meal for the ages, if I eat another bite I'll explode!"

You looked at him for a response, and saw him with a slightly pink face. He pulled out another plate, with two boiled eggs. He put one of them on your plate.

"Eat this one too, please?"

Being polite, you did as he said, first picking up the egg. It was oddly light, and there was a slight rattling sound when you shook it. Osamu looked like a bundle of nerves, and you chalked it up to him wanting to see your reaction to the egg.

You cracked the eggshell open, and instead of an egg, there was a small roll of paper. You looked at him with a raised eyebrow, and stared at the ground, unable to look at your face.

You took the paper out, and unfurled it. On the egg, it read,
"I love you,"

You gasped, putting the note down,
"Awwww, I love you too egg!"

Osamu looked at you with shock, did you really think the egg wrote the note? Were you that oblivious?

"The note was-"

"And I love you too, Osamu,"

His face burst into flames of pink, realizing that you were just doing a bit. While he was still processing everything, you stood up from your seat, going to the cooker of the meal, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Thanks for breakfast, babe,"

The slowly turned his head to you,
"C-can I miss ya too?"

You chuckled, bringing your face closer to his,
"Of course,"

The two of you shared a kiss, which tasted like all the food you had just ate, which may or may not have been a good thing. Either way, the two of you were very happy, and very in love. Osamu promised to make you a breakfast like that every day, but you shot the idea down, not wanting to cause a food shortage.

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