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A fair warning, this fic is gonna me more character focused than volleyball focused, but it's still gonna have some volleyball in it because like... that was the anime
You got the the gym door, and before going in, you made sure to make a plan.
How should I act?
What should I say?
What if they're mean then what?
God this is gonna be so awkward.

You started talking to yourself, "okay you are
(f/n) (l/n), and you are going to act happy because you are emotional support, and you will be the BEST EMOTIONAL SUPPORT EVER!"
(TBH people should talk to themselves more)

You put on your happy face and walk through the doors.

You hear yelling, and see a ball flying right at your face at max speed, and luckily enough you moved out of the way right on time.

You were still in shock of what just happened, so you just stood there for a while, trying to process what just happened.

A gray haired boy walked up to you,
"You're (l/n) from the student council right? Sorry about almost getting hit by the ball, these first years need to pay more attention to where they hit the ball," the last part coming out with a more sinister feel.

You just walked right out the door.

(L/N)" Sugawara yelled to them, if they get it bad with the student council, then life will be a whole lot harder for the rest of them.

Hinata and Kageyama started to walk towards the door where you left, but you had already returned, somehow on the other side of the gym, handing papers to Takeda-sensei and Coach Ukai.

"Okay everyone come here," Ukai's voice boomed through the gym, and soon the volleyball team gathered around you.


"The school decided that the competitive clubs needed emotional support, so (f/n) (l/n) will our emotional support. He's also the Vice President of the student council, so be nice."

"Thank you Ukai-san, like he said I'm-"

"WAHHHH IM SORRY (L/N) SENPAI" Hinata repeatedly bowed down.

"BOKE! I WAS GONNA APOLOGIZE FIRST. PLEASE FORGIVE US (L/N) SENPAI!" Kageyama joined in on the bowing, which just made you feel more awkward, but you didn't let them see it.

You put your hands on the heads and ruffled their hair, and laughed softly, "it's alright you two, it was an accident and I'm fine aren't I?"

They both blushed a bit, grateful that you weren't angry, and they went back to stand with the rest of the group.

"Anyways, you can just call me (f/n), and like Ukai-san said, I'll be your emotional support! So if you ever feel troubled or you're just feeling down, come to me and I'll try to make you feel better!" You gave them a bright smile, and they swear they saw a halo above your head.

They were broken out of their trance by coach Ukai, "Okay everyone, introduce yourselves."

One by one they introduced themselves, and you made sure to write their names down on a notepad, there were a lot of them, and you wanted to make sure you didn't mess up their names.

You sat yourself down on the bleachers, and the team started to practice again like normal. You never took a special interest in volleyball (or maybe you did idk), but it was interesting to see the team playing, they seemed to really enjoy it, besides that blonde kid, Tsukishima, which made you happy for them.

Soon enough practice ended, and you decided to go to the vending machines for a quick drink.

As you got closer, you could see a blueberry scowling at the vending machine.
"I could've sworn I brought enough money..."

"Kageyama? What are you doing here? Practice ended right?"

"(L/N)- I MEAN (F/N) SENPAI! Y-yeah practice ended, but I wanted to get... a milk... but I didn't bring enough money..."

"Oh really? Okay well don't tell anyone about what I'm about to do then, promise?"

He nodded his head down repeatedly, and you pulled out a key to the vending machine, opened it, and pulled out a milk, handing it to Kageyama.


"As the Vice-President of the student council, it is my duty to make sure everything, including the vending machines, are in top condition. Also I have dirt on some of the staff so they gave me a key."

"T-THANK YOU (F/N)-SENPAI!" He bowed down again, almost dropping his milk.

"It's alright, what kind of senpai would I be if didn't help out my kouhai?" You pat his head gently, his checks starting to become a soft pink.

"Anyways, I gotta go home, don't stay out too late okay? Good night Blueberry." You walked away.

"Blueberry? Is that a nickname?" Kageyama pondered this question while he drank his milk, still a little bit flushed from the head pats.


I FORGOT TO GET A DRINK DAMNIT, and for the rest of the night, you studied alone, drinkless.


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